Chapter 11

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"Ace, yo, wake up man!" Krueger's voice floated through the door. I sat up from the chair I had been reading from and moved to the edge of the bed. Ace jumped up off the floor and went to the door.

"What's up Kru?" He said propping the door open just enough for me to see a small gathering of people outside the door. I noticed my brother right away. He adverted his eyes shyly.

Krueger leaned into Ace talking quietly. Ace nodded once then turned to me,

"Some kind of emergency the council wants to talk with me."

"Okay," I said, "talk tomorrow?"

"Yup," he said quickly grabbing up his belt and shoes then he was out the door. I got up and started pacing. Emergency? Why was Tristan with Krueger?

I noticed Ace left his jacket, I bent down to grab it just as another BANG! Hit my door.

"Forget this?" I said opening the door ready to throw his jacket into his waiting arms. Instead Killian stood on the other side his eyes hooded, the brilliant blue was stormy and deepening as he looked over my shoulder into the room.

"Not really my style," he said with a quick nod to the jacket. I pulled it back into my body.

"What are you doing here Kill," I asked.

"I just wanted to see for myself," he said leaning closer to me.

"See what?"

"Everyone wanted to know where Ace was, somehow everyone knew he'd be here," Killian's voice was hard and slightly escalating. I looked away knowing what he was implying and knowing what everyone else already assumed. I shrugged my shoulders.

"That's it," he asked me.

"I don't know what you want me to say. Yes, he was here," I could feel myself getting angry, a slight blush gathering on my cheeks.

"I thought he was just a friend. Family," he said a slight sneer at the last word. I opened my mouth to answer but before I could defend myself his mouth swooped down to mine his arms pushing me back against the door. Again my body reacted traitorously, pulling him in closer when I should have been pushing for space. I felt him use one hand to snake around my neck winding into my ponytail. The tug was enough for me to gasp giving him better access to my mouth. He plundered it seeking every nook with his tongue meeting mine with every stroke. His scent filled my nostrils, warm and spicy. He pushed his chest into mine my legs tightened together as heat pooled in my center. Killian pulled us away from the door, turning the knob and pushing us in.

He walked us towards my bed his mouth never leaving me. My hands slide in his hair holding his head to mine. His hands were greedy and skated over every curve of my body. Roughly he grabbed my waist turning me in his arms. The zipper on my blouse slid down and then was tossed across the room. My bra went next. I spun around grabbing the bottom of his shirt and pulled it off over his head finally baring that gorgeous six pack I knew was hidden underneath. His muscles twitched under my gaze I could feel my blush spreading down my chest.

I stood on my tip toes to place a gentle kiss at the side of his mouth giving him my permission to continue. Killian shuddered then his hands reached around grabbing the back of my legs. He tossed me on the bed hooking his hands at the top of my pants pulling them down in one motion. His eyes darkened further reminding me of the night sky. I watched him as he took in the sight of my body noticing the changes these past three years had created. I knew my waist was more narrow and I had toned everywhere after hours of training and running.

He slid his hand up the inside of my thigh stopping at the edge of my panties. One long finger moved under the material tracing the heated parting of me. My head fell back on the bed at the contact my hips riding to meet his touch. He parted me thrusting two fingers deep curling them to hit my secret spot. My body twisted to bring us closer contact my hands grabbing at the sheets. He kept thrusting bringing me to the edge he introduced me to long ago. I moaned.

Killian withdrew his tormenting fingers at the sound. My body didn't have time to feel empty before I felt him plunge deep and hard hitting my back walls and rubbing in the right places. My hands automatically went up to grip his shoulders and slid around to his back. I held on as he pumped into me fiercely and passionately. He adjusted my right leg higher around his hip giving him deeper penetration. My hips met his hungrily taking everything he was giving. Our bodies slid against each other in our efforts for satisfaction. He nipped at my breasts, at the junction of my neck and shoulder. I cried out in pleasure and watched as his eyes darkened even further.

I was close and he knew, he remembered the way my body felt when it was nearing the edge. His belly grew taunt and his muscles strained, I knew he would be joining me. He pressed his thumb to my clit rubbing gently. I pulled his lips to mine devouring his mouth as I came hard. Sparks went off in the back of my brain as Killian also reached his peek, he arched back thrusting once, twice more before emptying himself inside of me.

Killian withdrew from my body slowly and I missed him already. He laid on his side tucking my body against him. We both drifted to sleep my body fully relaxed for the first time in years.

I woke up from the heat wrapped around me. Sweat lined my hairline and beaded on my chest. I tried to shift away but it followed me. Slowly I opened my eyes. Killian. His legs were twinned with mine, his strong arm clasped my waist. Part of me wanted to lean forward and bring my lips to his while the sane part of me realized what had happened last night. I pulled away slowly never taking my eyes from Killian's sleeping face or his golden hair that was now rumpled from my fingers pulling it all night.

I threw on my nearest pair of pants and a sweatshirt. I grabbed up Ace's jacket, slipped on my shoes and ran from my own room.

I made it to Ace's and knocked. He didn't answer so I tried a settle bang.

"He isn't in there," I heard someone say behind me. I spun around almost tripping myself in the process. I found myself face to face with Connor. "Oh", I said, "do you know where he is or when he'll be back?"

"I think the council has had him and your brother all night." Connor said watching my face for any infliction of emotion. "I think they'll be there for a while, Anthony sent me to grab new clothes for him."

"Okay, just tell him I was by please. Here is his jacket he left," I said handing him the leather material.

"Ah, yes," he said, "the sleepover...I'll make sure he gets it. Aren't you up pretty early?"

"Probably," I said not wanting to be questioned further. I started walking to find Noelle's room. I wasn't sure what bothered me more the fact the Ace was with the council and my brother all night or the fact the Connor was calling him Anthony.

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