Chapter 17

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Ace was waiting in the shoot. When he saw us he smiled, clearly pleased I had finally followed his advice. Standing side by side I took in the differences of the men I considered my brothers. One by blood and the other by a lucky strike of chance.

I hugged them both, telling them how much they meant to me. Tristan teared up again, kissed the top of my head and ruffled my hair. Yup, same big brother. Ace gave me an extra hug, "take care of everyone," he whispered in my ear. I nodded to him. They walked further into the shoot before disappearing into the hold. Quietly I walked fast back to the living area.

Thankfully, I didn't run into anyone until I came to the community room. Blonde bimbo number two (I should really remember their real names) cut me off before I could walk past.

"Paige! You look so beautiful today. Have you seen your brother or Kill tonight?" She asked bouncing on her toes in front of me. She smelled sickly sweet like cotton candy, her lips dripped in sparkly lip gloss.

"Uh no," I said, "I'm not really their keeper."

"Oh well if you see them can you tell them me and Tiffany are hoping they can still drop by tonight? Thanks sweetie!" She said twirling her hair and strutting away. I needed air.

Reaching the staircase I raced up the steps and crossed the bridge. I ran the rest of the way to my sanctuary. The Sun Room was the only place we were able to get direct sun light, rain, and on a good night hopefully see some stars. The room was used to grow crops to feed us.

I used my shoulder to push the door open and let it close quietly behind me. From the opening above I could make out the stary sky. I walked back into the shadows and leaned against the wall.

"Paige," was whispered in my ear, strong arms banded around my waist, hands slid to my hips. His voice was smooth and hot against my skin, I leaned back into his body, "Killian," I whispered back. He held me trailing open kisses down the slope of my neck causing goose bumps to skate across my skin.

"What are you doing here," he asked. "This is my favorite room to think in," I told him. Suddenly I stiffened remembering what bimbo two had said. "What are you doing here?" I said turning to face him, using my hands to push his chest back. His eyebrow lifted "needed to think," he said shrugging slightly.

"Think about how you're going to get both bimbos tonight with Tristan hunting?" I said. My voice shook slightly but if he noticed he did not let on.

"Are you serious right now?" He asked. I followed his lead and shrugged.

"Bimbo two did just asked me to ask you when you'll be by later tonight."

Cursing, Killian walked back putting more distance between us. "Paige, I have wanted no one else, thought of no one else since I started dating you five years ago. Even though you hate me I want you, I love you. Only you always!" He shouted at me. His voice echoed off the walls.

****MATURE Content starts here!!!! WARNING!*********

I launched myself at him. Using my mouth to stop his words and keep us from being caught. He swooped me up easily crushing my body to his front. My legs wrapped around his waist gripping to pull myself up and secure myself to him. He moaned in appreciation at the contact, his mouth never leaving mine. One big hand cupped my ass the other gripped the back of my head keeping us together. Killian rested against the wall sliding down to the floor. He arranged me on his lap so I was straddling him.

My fingers unbuttoned his shirt quick, spreading my palms down over his heated chest. His fingers skated up to my hips under my shirt. He gripped my panties giving them a quick tug on both sides. I groaned in his mouth reaching between us to open his pants. Killian began making his way down my neck by the time I freed him from his boxers. He held me up over him before thrusting up into me. I slammed back down on him my head falling back brushing the long strands across his thighs. Killian's grip on my hip tightened the other hand cradling the back of my skull bringing my head back up. Our gazes locked, our bodies entwined, we chased the stars together.

Later, I sat up readjusting my shirt. Killian stood up buttoning his shirt. I watched him awhile before he looked at me, studying me while he raked his hands through his long strands. I held out my hand to him. His grasp engulfed mine strong and secure.

I led him into my room. He pulled me to the bathroom and turned on the shower. Our clothes faded away. Gently, he washed my hair, I washed his, we washed each other's bodies stealing touches here and there. When the water began to cool Killian turned the faucet off and handed me my towel. After we dried off Killian wrapped me in his arms and pulled me under the covers. I began to drift to sleep my head pillowed by Killian's bicep. He tightened his arms snuggling his face into my neck, "I love you," he whispered before we fell asleep.

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