Chapter 32

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Three months later...

I waited in the shadows along the forest listening to the wind and snapping of random branches. He was getting closer. My shoulders began to relax I let my head rest against the tree. It had been a month since I heard any news from underground and three months since I left the displaced to join the battle. Surprisingly, Ace had supported my decision to take on Rachel and lead my people in the war. Unfortunately I'm pretty sure this decision will land me back in trouble with Paige. She didn't comment much on my decision to leave even though I'm doing it for us. I wanted to speed up this process Rachel is fighting toward and end it all right now. I want my land and the people in all the colonies to not be living in fear. I want to be with Paige and raise our children above ground.

I remember the way her dark eyes grew wider as I told her my plan. She was hesitant but the new warrior in her let me go. I missed her so much at this moment and could swear I heard her calling my name.

Last time we met one of the guys had nothing new to report which was comforting. Everything was well, Paige was well, and our baby was well. A few of my men and myself took turns every few weeks exchanging news and progress. I knew we were winning the battle but rumors of the horror Rachel had in store kept circulating. The death toll on each side was low but consistent.

I heard the whistle coming towards me followed by a trample of feet. I turned and drew my gun up right as Bryce stormed through the forest. He looked winded doubling over.

"We have to go," he panted, "Its Paige".

"What?" I shouted breaking the night silence.

"Let's go," he started tugging me toward the trees, tingles rushed down my back.

"The fuck!" I yelled throwing him off. "Bryce what is going on?" I grabbed his collar bringing him closer.

"She's in labor," he said. I shook my head trying to make sense of the words. They felt foreign in my brain.

"She's a month early." I said.

"Exactly!" He shouted. He darted into the trees. I turned and waved my guys back, they clearly had heard everything. Tucking my gun into the back of my pants I ran after Bryce.

We dodged trees and a few wild animals. My mind only kept circling back to what he told me. Paige was having the baby...early. I kept pace with Bruce noticing how easy this run was compared to the last time I came this way. Back then Tristan and I had been fighting for our lives. I could still hear Rosa's haunting voice calling to us. It spurred me on faster knowing the cliff would be at the end of the clearing.

When we got there Bryce was looking over waiting for something.

"Any tips for this time," I asked jokingly. He shot me a cocky smile

"Look for something to hold onto before jumping, when you get to the log take a breath before the Rapids." I nodded, my eyes darting to scan the water below for floating objects.

"Later," Bryce said before jumping down. He made it look so easy.

I saw another piece of drift wood coming up and took off before I could miss is. My stomach plunged and my breath caught as the water rose up to meet me. I sliced through it quickly, goose bumps spreading over my skin and cooling the heat from our run. The drift wood passed by and I grabbed it easily following Bryce's example. I used it like a boogie board and floated through the currents. Finally, I got to the log and took a huge breath in. The water swirled around me, sending my body tumbling over rocks and sand. Damn, I caught a nice blow to the side before I could push myself up out of the water. Two hands shot down to grab me pulling me up the side. After three months I was back in the displaced.

A few people I recognized gave me nods and a few just looked at me worried. I increased my pace faster, checking to make sure my pistol was still tucked. I threw off my wet shirt and took the offered one from a dude in the halls. My heart beat like crazy the closer I got to the infirmary. I prayed for the first time in a long time for my family to be well. It wasn't a big deal in the colonies to have a child early. There were expert doctors, staff, and medicine to help with these situations. Here...I didn't even know what was here except a few nurses and a surgeon.

Connor was waiting outside in the hall when I approached. He flagged me down and pushed me towards the door. Paige's agonized screams nearly sent me back. The scene inside the room was not much better. Paige was propped up by Tristan and Noelle while Ace was between her legs looking like he was going to catch a football. Even though I knew he preferred dick the picture still aggravated me. Also where the fuck was a real doctor? I pushed Tristan over slightly, he looked relived to have an excuse to leave the room. Paige looked at me, her brow was sweaty and her face paler.

"I can't do it," she cried gazing at me. I didn't know much about birth but I knew this woman, and she was the strongest woman I knew. I touched my lips to her dryer ones,

"Yes you can baby, you can do anything. I'm so proud of you." Tears slipped down her cheek. She gripped my hand before bearing down over and over again. The process felt like hours but soon Ace was shouting for one more. I gripped Paige's hand back encouraging her and helped her lift up slightly. Before my adrenaline cooled a loud wail rang out.

"It's a boy," Ace shouted, I saw his hands cut the cord while Noelle grabbed a blanket. Our baby was laid on Paige's chest. I caught his eyes and fell completely head long into loving fatherhood. His eyes looked like Paige's but a thick layer of blonde locks covered his head. Without a doubt he was mine. Looking into Paige's eyes I saw her awe reflecting mine.

"I love you," I told her. She smiled at me "I love you so much," she whispered. Her eyes began to look faraway then her head fell back. I reached for the baby before he fell out of her arms. "Paige!" I yelled feeling my heart about to beat out of my chest.

"Move," Ace said shoving me back away from her bed. He was lowering her down grabbing oxygen and prepping for CPR. Machines were beeping when Noelle pushed me out of the room and took the baby away. Tristan was behind me grabbing my shirt his knuckles gripped the window as we watched Ace, Connor and some random nurse I recognized but didn't know her name, work on getting Paige's heartbeat back under control.

Long ago I had thought Paige disappearing was the worst thing to ever happen to me. That was nothing in comparison to watching her slip away in front of me and not being able to help. I couldn't move I was stuck in horror watching what was happening. Ace looked over his shoulder at us before he moved away from the bed. The fucking machines were flat lined and he just stood to the side, his boyfriend moved by him reaching for his hands while he grieved.

"No," I said shoving my way back in there. "No," I moved to Paige's side and started doing compressions feeling frantic, my heart breaking, and my soul feeling empty. I couldn't lose her again for good with no hope of ever seeing her. We had already wasted so much time. We were supposed to be a family. I wanted to give her her happily ever after.

"Kill," Tristan was at my side tugging my arms back. "No," I said looking at him trying to see clearly. Tears were streaming down his face. None of them were any fucking help. "Help me," I shouted, he just shook His head, "she's gone Kill," he said.

A horrible sound came from somewhere that wouldn't stop. I fell to my knees, exhausted, my arms gathering Paige to my chest. The noise wouldn't stop. It hurt my ears and gave me chills. Worse than a wounded animal the cries echoed in the room. Before the darkness over took me I saw the nurse looking at me with pity...those inhuman sounds were mine.

***So the picture above is how I imagined Killian and Paige's child (as a toddler).

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