1| Paperwork

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[Last edit, 14/10/2014] Dedicated to my best friend, @aichiin, for dragging me in the anime world and helping me to come up with a fanfiction idea for this story.


- Chapter 1 -



One word. Paperwork. Another word which describes the first one. Boring. I was sitting on the Vice-captain's couch in the 3rd division's office and I was doing my paperwork. God, what the heck is wrong with this couch!? My ass is in pain!

You may wanna know how I got here. Well, when I graduated from the Soul Reaper's Academy, I was chosen to be in the 3rd division. But first, I had to fight with the blond Vice-captain, Izuru Kira, to take a good seat. Did I tell you that my fight with Izuru Kira lasted less than 5 minutes? I immediately knocked him down, combining my skills in Kido and Shunpo.

So, I became Vice-captain here and Kira has currently the 3rd seat. But, this seat has some disadvantages. The main disadvantage is paperwork. All these white papers which are needed to be filled, the time which takes to think about it and the tiredness of the work is enough to make you lose your sanity. My head snapped to the side and my eyes landed on my fox-like captain. He was quiet as usual and he was doing his captain's paperwork which was delivered in our Barracks some hours ago.

His closed eyes, his huge smirk, his long fingers... I looked away with an expression of horror on my face. He was so... scary, creepy that actually made me shiver every time I was talking to him. I continued doing my paperwork without complains as my bright yellow eyes travelled on the almost filled pack with papers.

What the heck we were doing anyway? We were supposed to be fighting Hollows, not filling bunch of useless papers. Sometimes, I just wish I was in 11th division, like Ikkaku and Yumichika, the two men who completely changed my empty and meaningless life.

Suddenly, the corner of my eye caught some movement "Hono-san, can ya go to the 5th division and call captain Sosuke Aizen?" Gin Ichimaru, my captain asked.

"Hai!" I stood up and left the Barracks of the 3rd division, moving towards the 5th division's office. The Lieutenant of the 5th Squad, Momo Hinamori, was one of the friends I made when I first stepped in Soul Society. She was obliged by the Head Captain to show me around the Soul Society and since then, we got stuck together.

Aizen Sosuke... The man I have heard so much about. He was known as the kind, carrying and concerned about his subordinates captain of 5th division. The most entrusted man all over Soul Society. As I was walking towards his office, I suddenly bumped on a tall man which caused me to fall back and hit my butt on the ground.

"I'm sorry... Are you alright?" I heard a sweet voice asking above me and two strong arms helped me to stand up. I looked at the brown haired man, with two brownish eyes hiding behind his glasses. Suddenly, I realized that this kind man was the one I was looking for, Aizen Sosuke.

I made a slight and polite bow at my superior "Good morning, sir! I'm Miyori Hono, Lieutenant of the 3rd division! I was sent by my captain, Gin Ichimaru, who wanted you to go and meet him immediately in his office" I explained and stopped my long greeting to take a breath.

The man looked at me with his honest eyes and nodded. "Thank you for informing me. Please now, enjoy your free time given"

A small smile formed unconsciously on my thin lips "Yosh" I agreed and left him alone. When I lost sight of his white captain haori, I started jumping around and yelling happily. When I stopped jumping, I screamed "Yahhooo!!! No more paperwork, Soul Society!!"

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