3| Intruders 2: The fight

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[Last edit: 23/10/2014] Dedicated to WinterRaineeDay for being a faithful reader of this book and for supporting me all the time. Give her some love <3


- Chapter 3 -

Intruders 2: The fight


Ganzu and I ended up together since we were separeated from the rest of us. And he is not the only problem in here. After we landed, three Soul Reapers already appeared- a man with a shaved head, a short red-head and somewhat hot-headed girl and a . . . she-man? I know I didn't expect many things from the Shinigamis but. . . that? C'mon now.

"Huh?" I exclaimed surprised and we both looked at them confused. Then, the bald one started dancing-or at least doing something that looked like a dance- which finished with him holding his zanpakuto and his shaved head shining on the sun. Every single one of us stayed in silence and didn't dare to move an inch.

"What are you two still doing there? I did the Tsuki-Tsuki dance to give you some time to climb out of there! Yet you did nothing but stare?! What ungratefull bastards!!" the bald guy yelled frustrated and started cussing under his breath.

"Shut the fuck up, Ikkaku!" the girl yelled back at him and slapped the back of his head to show him how irritated she really was.

The Ikkaku guy rubbed the back of his head and gave to his partner an angry look while a vein popped on his head, "Why did you do this?" 

"What's up with him?" I asked simply, obviously confused and startled from the whole situation. Were all the Soul Reapers like that?

"Hey!" Ganzu eyed suspiciously the empty space around him and whispered to me.

I looked at him and hissed, "What?"

"What do you mean 'what?' Let's get the hell out of here!" he stated like it was obvious and gave me an angry look.

My jaw almost dropped on the floor- I mean, sand- as I raised my hand to punch him for his idiotic proposals. "R-run away?! This is not the time for your usual stupidity!"

"You are the idiot! Their spiritual strength is much higher than a normal Shinigami!" 

"What are you two arguing about?" Ikkaku asked and that's when we realized that their argument had finished. We didn't respond to him as we didn't want to reveal anything to our enemies. "Oh well, go ahead and argue. Nothing can change your upcoming demise anyways"

The she-man besides Ikkaku sighed and gave him a sharp yet neet-y look "But if we keep waiting, somebody might come and steal our kill" 

"Ah? That makes sense"

"You two are argying like two hungry lions who are deciding what to do with their prey" the only girl pointed out and sweat dropped slightly. I couldn't agree more with her- they were indeed doing that and it was kind of. . . I don't know, freaking me out?

"You little-- forget it" he started saying to the girl but let it go and laid his attention back on us,  "I'll give you a limited amount of time to argue. You have until I finish the next dance-"

"I DON'T CARE! I'M RUNNING! IF YOU WANT TO FIGHT, DO IT ALONE!" Ganzu yelled at me and started running. When the hell did he get out of the hole?

Ikkaku watched my partner leaving with awkwardness replacing the tense atmosphere, "What was that? Are you two breaking up?" 

"... more or less...." .

"Chih! How troublesome... " the bald head exclaimed in annoyance and crossed his arms in front of his broad chest, "Yumichika!!"

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