9| The Battle of Seiretei III : The execution

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- Chapter 9 -

The Battle of Seiretei III : The execution


I opened my eyes. It was morning. Wait, where am I? Oh yeah, Renji and I escaped from prison and now he and Ichigo are training undeground so they can destroy the Soukyoku and save Rukia. Everyday life ^.^ Suddenly, an explosion interrupted my thoughts and I jumped up surprised.

"What the-" I saw Ichigo fighting against the old man from yesterday and Renji trying to train against... a rock? I sweatdropped. Renji stopped hitting the rock and he walked towards the woman who called him.

Today is Rukia's exectuion... I wonder if we can still make it and save her. I thought about asking them what we were going to do next, so I walked towards them. "Hey, what's up?"

" 'Morning, Hono-san" Renji told me and the woman nodded. "Is Ichigo still training?" I asked them. I looked around but Ichigo was nowhere to be found.

They nodded "Yeah, he is. But I haven't see you training once!" Renji told me.

"Yeah, mom, I don't need training, I'm fine" I said and an anime vein popped on Renji's head. "Oi!! Don't call me 'mom' !!" he yelled and I just ignored him.

I wonder where is the other shinigamis right now... Are they preparing to watch the execution or... stop it? I bet that Kyoraku-san and Ukitake-san will have something in their minds... what about Toshiro? He seems cold from the outside, but I bet he has a good heart. I hope he was her- in the hospital! Yeah, ern, in the hospital!

"As I was saying, I think that he knows instictively that he can acquire that power" the woman said. "Thus, I believe that he was born with the ability to acquire Bankai" She must be refering to Ichigo, I thought and nodded.

Ichigo continued fighting with the old man. "Ehm, I'm sorry, but I didn't have the chance to learn your name! I'm Miyori Hono, Vice-captain of the 3rd division" I looked at the woman and bowed slightly.

"I'm Yoruichi Shihouin, ex-captain of the 2nd division" she said and my eyes widen.

"You are a member of one of the Royal families!" I said surprised. The Shihouin family- one of the most powerful and rich Royal families in Seiretei. Yoruichi Shihouin was the last member of the Shihouin family, and it was said that she disappeared a long time ago. But now, she was standing in front of me, alive.

"Hai" she said and she smiled warmly at me.

Renji rolled his eyes "The time is getting closer and we don't have much left. I'm going to save Rukia" He said and he started walking away.

"W-wait! What am I going to do?" I asked Renji and ran towards him.

"I don't know. But I'm going to Rukia" Renji said and he jumped up, leaving a thick air of dust behind him.

I pouted childlishy "Mean, Abarai-kun! Now I don't know what to do" I said while glooming. Why is he so mean to me?

"We have to organise our strategy about what we do next. Hono-san, you said you are the Vice-captain of the 3rd division, right?" Yoruichi asked. "Hai" I answered and nodded.

She tapped her chin as she wanted to remember something "Then, your captain is Gin Ichimaru" I nodded again. What is the weird thing here?

"Gin Ichimaru is one of the most dangerous men in Soul Society. By the age of 9, he had already a zanpakuto and he had achieved shikai. Aizen Sosuke was the one who adopted him in Soul Society and made him a Soul Reaper" Yoruichi muttered.

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