16| Missing Strawberries and a Surprise

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- Chapter 16 -

Missing Strawberries and a Surprise


Goddamit, I thought as I made my way back to Urahara's shop. Ichigo has been missing the past few days and everyone was searching for him. What could have happened? He can't just disappear like that! We just lost- okay, almost lost to those Arrancars and when we're supposed to work together and built our strength, HE JUST DISAPPEARS LIKE THAT?

I tsk'ed and continued my way to the unfamous item shop, receiving some weird glances from the humans. That was because I was wearing the school's uniform and the school hours were finishing in about an hour. I didn't slow down my pace and I finally reached the Japanese style shop.

The blonde-haired man with the funny hat was waiting for me at the entrance "Ah, Hono-san, what a pleasure to see you here~~!" he greeted in a jumpy tone, waving at me with his fan.

"Ah, Urahara-san, ohayo" I replied to the man, standing right in front of him. The man tilted his head confused, never losing his hyper smile and excited atmosphere.

My mouth left itself a sigh and I bowed deeply at him, closing my eyes tightly "Please, make me stronger!" I almost shouted with my all, trying to sound confident.

I must have left the man stunned, because silence was only heard. I bit my lip, cussing myself mentally for being so stupid and asking something important like this in such a harsh and funny way.

Suddenly, I fell something flat patting my red long hair- probably his fan. I heard him laugh for a second before straightening me up. His shadowed eyes looked at me with concern as my confused look fell on him "There is no reason for you to become stronger. You already are~"

I blinked two times to make sure that he had said what I have just heard. "B-but-" Before I could say anything, he had already walked off, waving at me with his fan.

Why everything must be so confusing about myself? No memories, no knowledge about my strength, current life and feelings... Nothing, I thought with a shake of my head. Because I had nothing to do, I thought about trying to make another attempt to find the lost shinigami.

As I was walking down the street, I saw a familiar figure with long, auburn hair and the school's skirt walking down the street. A wide smile spread across my face as I approached the walking figure and poked its shoulder "Orihime-san~!"

The tall girl looked at me with her usual chirpy smile "H-Hono-sa- I mean, Captain Hono!" she exclaimed, giving me a small wave.

"Where are you going to?" I asked her with a happy tune, wanting to kill my boredom at the moment. Since it was forbidden for me to fight anyone and anything and nothing important was being brought up, I could just spend my day with a human friend.

Orihime pointed her index finger at an appartement, some meters away from us "I'm going home to make some food~! Do you want to come with me? I will make some ramen!" the teenage girl explained as she gave me a closed eye smile.

When I heard the word 'ramen' escaping her mouth, I quickly nodded and followed her up to her stairs, to the entrance of her house. But when we opened it, a surprise was awaiting for us. The silver-headed, irksome shortie captain of 10th Division was standing with his orange-headed, female Lieutenant in front of a huge screen, with some connected things with it.

My mouth hang open at the sight of it while Orihime stared at it surprised. "Uwah... That's so... Not cool! What is that thing, Toshiro-kun?!" the girl besides me asked while Toshiro rubbed the back of his usual messy hair.

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