20| Hueco Mundo, here I come!

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- Chapter 20 -

Hueco Mundo, here I come!


A large yawn escaped my mouth and echoed in the empty room; I still can't believe I'm waking up that early in the morning. I checked my clock vividly, the numbers 5 and 15 being showed by the arrows of the round object. Above my haori and shinigami uniform was wrapped a cream-colored cape, a bit ragged at the end, covering my zanpakuto and the length of my bright red hair. 

Suddenly, a knock at the door of my japanese designed room was heard, making me snap my head towards the closed door. I concentrated and felt a strong spiritual pressure from outside, a very familiar one... It was-

"Miyori?" a soft and slightly deep voice was heard from the outside, making my cheeks flush from embarassment and my stomach fill with an emotion of utter joy. Toshiro, my boyfriend, was standing right outside of my door.


His soft lips crushed against mine, though the kiss was simple and gentle, no lust could be sensed in the warm embrace of the movement. After at least 3 minutes of kissing, I pulled back slightly, only to be greeted by Toshiro's emerald eyes which were giving me a warm and steady look right into my core. Though, this sight was gone in a second because warm hands wrapped around my fragile figure, my head being burried in his arm.

Silence was filling the room, only the doki-doki of my heart was heard in the empty road of Seiretei. His scent was as simple as always; the smell of lily flowers mixed with orange petals inserted my nose, making me squeal quietly or.... mentally.

Finally, the silence was broken by his first words that made my eyes widen in surprise. "Miyori.... I love you too". I stood there into his warm embrace, my mouth hanging open slightly and my eyes being totally open from the utter shock.

Suddenly, something wet rolled down my face, dripping on the dusty ground. I removed my hands from around him and wipped the liquid from my cheeks, bringing it in front of my face and realizing with shock that I was crying. But no, it wasn't crying from sadness. Those were tears of joy. 

My fist hit his torso weakly, only to be followed by a small chuckle from me. "You baka..! Why didn't you tell me earlier?!" And with that, our feelings connected and created the woinderful realtionship we are living until now.

<< End of Flashback>>

 My hand turned the knob of the door and revealed a slightly taller male, silver hair falling messily on his face and emerald eyes looking straight at me. I gave a small smile at him, "T-Toshiro"

"Good morning" he replied, a small smile etching his face as he stood in front of me.

I bit my lip awkwardly; he knew I had to leave today because Rukia and Renji were going to leave today too for Hueco Mundo, and logically he had come to wish me a good trip. "Erm... I'm leaving in five minutes so the next time I'll see you will be after the battle, I guess?"

He nodded curtly, a small frown seeming to be showing but he quickly replaced it with his stoic expression. "I came here to wish you good luck" he explained, not moving an inch.

"A-Ah" I replied nervously, still not used to the idea that he was my boyfriend. Gosh, I remember a day ago when Rangiku found out and broke into my office, yelling from joy while Toshiro was dragged inside too. Heh, hillarious and unique sight. "Thank you, Toshiro. Good luck t--"

My sentence was cut off by the sudden movement he made to take my hand and pull me in a tight hug. I stood there dumbfounded but I recovered and hugged him back tightly, tears threatening to escape my eyes. "God dammit; scratch that, I'm going to miss you"

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