25| The Final Battle V: Blurry Sights

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- Chapter 25 -

The Final Battle V: Blurry Sights


With those last words, I looked at Ichigo with teary eyes, Ulquiorra's eyes widening a little at my response. He quickly changed to his emotionless composure and his emerald eyes looked sharply at us. "Then, I should show no mercy"

Ichigo raised his hand on the air and motioned it towards Ulquiorra, showing apathy for him, "Because we're leaving right now. Miyori, Nell, let's go". I nodded to the orange head and took Nel's hand, guiding her behind Ichigo and we carried on walking away. But the next words of Ulquiorra made Ichigo drop dead in his tracks: "And what if I told you that I was the one who brought Inoue Orihime in Hueco Mundo?"

It wasn't a second after Ulquiorra said that and Ichigo charged at him, anger boiling at the back of his eyes. The Arrancar blocked it with his single hand, though, like it was nothing for him. I knew that Ichigo's feelings were hurt, so do mine, but I couldn't feel... Rukia's reiatsu... My eyes widened at the realization but as soon as I approached Ichigo to announce that to him, I was blown back from the force of his Tetsuga Tenshou, the abnormal power of his Hollow Mask. My body fell numb on the hard ground, making me roll sometimes away and stopping only when my head got hit very bad on a stone. That was when my nightmare began.


Pitch black. Pitch black color was all I could see through my blurry vision. But no, I wasn't imagining it. I was living it. Suddenly, a light pierced through the darkness, sending shivers down my cold body while the dim lighting was forming something, something round like... Was it the exit from out here?

I took some steps front, trying to ignore the sharp pain which was stabbing my stomach, I just continued walking. Soon, I was in front of the portal but before I could do something, it swallowed me down and closed the dark room behind me.

Falling... And falling, falling down... Someone shot me down... 

Falling, falling down... Until I collided with the hard ground. It took me a while before I stood up properly and observed my surroundings. The environment around me reminded me more the Human World; a well-built house, a nice made garden with all kinds of exotic flowers and colourful petals, the sun shining brightly on the morning sky which was bringing a smile to everyone's faces... 

But what was I doing down here? "Hello?" I tried calling out but I got no answer. I tried calling out for help sometimes after but still, no answer was coming. Exhausted and my lungs burning, I decided to wander around the place. It seemed nice, like a paradise that everyone would like to live at. It was like heaven, where the spirits were going when they were dead according the logic of the humans. That meant that I was... dead?

Before I could conclude my theory, I wandered off to find someone else, to confirm that I wasn't dead- or at least alone. Though, it wasn't long before I heard rushing footsteps coming towards the fresh-painted house and I waited for the person to approach closer to me so I could ask for some information about where I was and what was that place.

As the footsteps stopped in front of me, my mouth opened and created an 'o', my eyes resting in their place. In front of me was a young girl with red-blooded hair and yellowish eyes, her skin being smooth and creamy while a small smile was plastered on her young face. I recognized the person immediately; it was me. I tried to tap the shoulder of the girl but she didn't seem to feel anything as it passed through her. "HUH?" I thought out-loud, trying to touch her again but my hand was passing through her all over again.

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