14| Arrancars; Watch and Learn

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- Chapter 14 -

Arrancars; Watch and Learn


My head snapped up as I sensed the strong spiritual pressures. I can sense them... 7 Arrancars, one more stronger than the other. What am I going to do?

I looked at Toshiro who seemed to be sensing them too as his eyes were widened in shock. His emerald eyes travelled on me and then he immediately took out a small caramel which he popped in his mouth. His soul left his gigai which was now standing up with the help from the soul which was in the caramel. "Go and find a place where you won't get hurt" he ordered his gigai which nodded and left.

I took a small caramel too, leaving my gigai. "I will go and help someone with the Arrancars or I will find a human who needs my help" I explained to him before jumping off the building and making my own way towards the Arrancars.

Everyone has a partner except... Renji-kun! I'm going to help him, I thought after making my way towards the place he was previously sleeping, Urahara's Shop. I hopped behind him without him noticing me, and I saw that he was fighting with a blond Arrancar.

But he isn't that strong. And he doesn't seem strong, so... I will sit down and watch until there is a problem.

"Let me give you some treatment he got. Roar, Zabimaru!" Renji yelled as he made his attack to the Arrancar. But once he flicked Zabimaru, his zanpakuto, both of us knew that this battle wasn't going to end very well.

The Arrancar's gaze landed randomly on me and a small smirk appeared on his face "Ah, I see another Soul Reaper came here" he said as his smirk grew wider. "I will deal with you later"

"Later? Ha! Let me tell you, if you want to fight me, then you'll have to pass from Renji first and this isn't going to happen, not even once in a million, here me?" I yelled at the Arrancar with an angry expression on my face.

Renji turned to look at me with a small shock "Captain Hono? What are you doing here? And when did you get here?"

"Hm, I just came here and I'm watching your match with that Arrancar-- I want to see who is going to die first" I explained with a bored expression and a small smirk.

"Whaa? You are just going to watch me dying and not going to help me?" Renji yelled at me with a nerve pop on his face.

A left a small sigh and stood up "Ne, ne, you have no confidence, Renji~ I'm just going to kick that Arrancar's ass if you won't. Besides, you must be a weakling since you are not going to attack that thing" 

Renji's face became as red as my hair from the anger that was boiling inside him and he turned his attention to the Arrancar, lunging his sword at him "Well, I'm going to prove you wrong, then!''


The battle between the two men continued with Renji releasing his Bankai and me watching with anxiosity. Renji isn't that strong to defeat the Arrancar. Dammit...

I concentrated so I could sense the other's reiatsus and check how well they were doing. Ichigo, Ikkaku and Toshiro have released their Bankais but they are not doing it much well. Rangiku-san... She needs help, but Toshiro is close to her. 

Wait a minute... Rukia! I can barely sense her spiritual pressure, so she might be... Oh no. Shall I go and help her? But... Ichigo is close to her so she is going to do fine. Yumichika, thank god he is still safe.

Otherwise, I have to step in and help everyone out. But I can't forget what Yamamoto-san has told me before I left...

--- Flashback ---

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