2| Intruders 1: Meeting our enemies

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[Last edit: 26/11/2014] This is one of the chapters I needn't re-write. . . Enjoy! Dedicated to NightSlash for being the biggest and faithful fan of this book!


- Chapter 2 -

Intruders 1: Meeting our enemies


Two weeks had passed since my first meeting with captain Hitsugaya and I can say that I like my current life. Though, the paperwork is still a major problem but... the people here are too friendly, my job satisfies me and generally, Soul Society is a place I would like to spend the rest of my life at.

Though, there are some persons that are just very confusing; take as an example my captain, Gin Ichimaru and the ice captain of 10th Division, Toshiro Hitsugaya. I wanted to learn more about them so I began with Toshiro. I noticed that he isn't your average social guy; he is cold, antisocial, serious and all of them are forming one word: boring. So, I wanted to do something about that but it didn't end up very well...

Toshiro sat on his chair and left a long sigh. Today was a very tiring ad messed up day so he didn't get the chance to get some rest. But now he was alone, he could finally have some peace and quie--

"Hiya, Toshi-kun!" a high-pitched voice shouted in his ear, making him jump up in shock, his heart almost jumping out of his trembling body from the sudden eruption of the silence.

The shortie's eyes travelled on the person who had scared the hell out of him; red bright hair, yellow shining eyes, slightly shorter than him... Yes, that would be Miyori Hono, the girl he had just met a few days ago.

His eye twitched in annoyance but he soon regained his composure and glared deathly at her. "What. Do. You. Want?"

Miyori didn't answer to his question, she just smirked slightly, something dirty and devil's doings reflecting on her eyes. The ice captain noticed the girl's suspicious state and took a step back but it was too late.

"Here you go-o!!" Miyori sang as she was now right in front of Toshiro, two clips connected to Toshiro's lips and on Miyori's fingers were manipulated by the sneaky lieutenant, making Toshiro's lips twitch up and form a smile.

Anger boiled inside the silver head's body and an acute pain was shot through his lips, making him flinch loudly and then yell with anger, "Miyori, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!?!" 

And with that outburst, he started chasing the other shortie that was laughing uncontrollably. He finally caught up to her but the moment he did, he tripped and fell on top of the female shinigami, causing them to collide with the floor.

Unfortunately, the same moment, captain Kyoraku was entering the 10th Division's office with Nanao following him and the shocking sight in front of him made his jaw drop on the floor. "Oh, my~~!!"

- 5 minutes later -

"Captain Hitsugaya and Lieutenant Hono, I can understand the needs that each one of us has, but those things can stay in private places, not during work hours!!" captain Yamamoto yelled at them frustrated, his cheeks burning red from the irritation the immature behaviour of the two Shinigamis caused him.

Miyori was staring at her superior with a dumbfounded expression on her face while her cheeks were flustered; Toshiro was looking away, embarrassed from the misunderstanding.

Yeah, you guessed right. They thought that me and Toshiro were a couple. And they still do. Ha. Ha ha ha. Me and Toshiro? An actual couple?! No way in heck I was going to date that shortie anyways! Never mind that, I have more important things I need to be concerned about right now... Like my captain's weird behaviour.

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