24| The Finall Battle IV: 2nd Lost Chapter

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- Chapter 24 -

The Final Battle IV: 2nd Lost Chapter

No one's POV

Is this what they call... jealousy? Ulquiorra thought, his eyes roaming on his fraccion. Her angry posture about something so not-important to him right there was making him jealous, jealous for not taking her attention, for her relationship with Ggio.

He suddenly stood up and glared at her; this was the first emotion he was showing off long time now. But his heart had been blinded by jealousy and hatred so he couldn't help himself but get angry immediately. Cielo stared at him with surrpise, herself never have ever seen Ulquiorra showing any kind of emotion; even if he was going to die, his emotionless expression would stay on his pale face.

"U-Ulquiorra?" she asked unsurely and hesitantly. She was a bit scared from his reaction and she didn't want to get in trouble or she would have been punished. Hardly.

Ulquiorra ignored her question and got closer to her, grabbing her wrists and pinning them against the cold wall. The girl had stayed stunned at him, not even bothering to struggle against his tight grip. She didn't know why she wasn't able to squeak or scream when his lips crushed against hers but she sure didn't like the feeling of his cold lips on her burning ones.

Cielo brought her hands on his chest and gave him a powerful punch which was enough to make him stamble back. His eyes stayed emotionless but deep inside them, there was a glimpse of a broken heart as a result of her rejection.

"Cielo. Why did you resist" It wasn't much of a question, it was more like he was complaining about her doing so.

Cielo brought her hand up to her mouth and brushed her slender fingers against her lips. She started becoming teary-eyed because the sudden mouth contact and the shocking question afterwards meant only one thing. She had to be his mate.

The young Arrancar shook her head negatively, trying not to allow those thoughts to conquer her mind but unfortunately, they did. Ulquiorra took a step towards her and was ready to kiss her again but the girl slapped away his hand which was reaching her waist and ran away, shouting, '"Go away from me!!"


"Go... away.. from me..." Ulquiorra repeated. He was laying on his bed and it was one day after the event. Cielo had been completely avoiding him for once more but this time she had requested to change a master. Ulquiorra couldn't help but feel a complete mess because his 'crush' was hating him now.

And he was definitely going to do something about that.



The red haired female turned around to face the raven haired male who was looking at her with his emotionless emerald eyes.


Only the mention of his name was enough to make his heart skip a bit. Aizen had ordered him to do this and even though he loved her... the job must have been done a long time now. Ulquiorra made some steps further to the female and towered over her, his blunt expression staying on his pale face.

What was the last time I felt something? Ulquiorra thought, his thoughts spinning around his mind. Why did I become so heartless, so... empty? The emerald tears on his cheeks were showing the loneliness and the pain he had gone through before joining Aizen's side. He had his own past, his own personal carriage that was full of sad emotions. The tears was a stigma that was going to follow him through his whole life.

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