17| Jealousy

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- Chapter 17 -



"Hinamori!" I exclaimed surprised as the black-haired Lieutenant of the 5th Division appeared on the huge screen. Surprised and shock overtook me-- seeing her in a great condition like this after the physical and mental woonds she had gained. 

But, her eyes weren't the liveness I was seeing and admiring everyday back then. They were part of the frown which was covering her face; swallen up and full of sadness and regret. "Hitsugaya-kun..." the name of the ice captain was heard like a whisper in the wind as she spelled it.

Toshiro's eyes went from widened to his usual, calm and serious state. "I see... You have awakened, Hinamori. You sure it's alright for you... to be walking around like that?" he asked, with an unexpected carrying voice. 

The girl gave him a warm smile, full of sweetness. "Yup! I'm okay now~"

"That's great..." Toshiro said and then he did the unexpected. He smiled. The cold captain of the 10th Division was smiling! But the problem was that... I knew what was going on here.

The way he looks at her, the way he speaks at her, the tone of his voice, that warm smile... He must definitely... Like her... I thought in a shocked state, with my heart aching so bad. My eyes started hurting and wattering up, while my stomach was pumping like crazy inside me. My features darkened as my bangs covered my eyes and the only way to prevent myself from yelling or crying was to bite my lip. 

But why? Why am I feeling like that? Why am I feeling like the world reached its end? Why? WHY? I clenched my fists to my sides and tried to calm down. My feelings for him... They are just friendly, right? I only like him as a friend, a simple comrade, a simple companion... No. That's not it.

My head snapped up as I looked at the screen. "Head Captain Yamamoto, I think I should take my leave now. I have some serious matters I have to take care of right now and I think that my position here is... unecessary." I stated in a casual and stable tone, glancing slightly at Toshiro.

For the first time in that day, he turned his head at me. His emerald eyes were reflecting confusion and something else I didn't quite understand; sadness? Finally, the Head Captain made his appearance on the screen and turned his head at me. "Captain Hono, would you mind of sharing with the rest of us the tasks you have to complete? Because I can't let you leave for a careless reason"

I bit my lip from the inside, thinking for any possible reason I could make up now. Finally, an idea popped in my mind, so i turned again my eyes at the Head Captain. "Yes, I will. Firstly, I would like to complete my research for the Arrancers' information; I have been cut off since I had my Captain tasks to complete too. Secondly, I have to inform Lieutenant Abarai for the current situation"

We stayed silent for a couple of minutes which seemed to me like a whole century. But in the end, the Head Captain set me free and I left, leaving a small and quiet sigh of relief. My next actions were rapid and quick. I ran as fast as I could in Ichigo's house and stood in front of his bedroom's door. I hesitated a little before knocking my knuckles on the wooden door.

The person who opened the door wasn't the one I expected to; in front of me, was standing the black-haired female shinigami, Rukia. Her face was still sleepy- even if it was late afternoon. "Huh? Captain Hono, what is the matter?" she asked as she glanced at me.

"Ru-Rukia-s....saaann...." I blurted out behind my whimpers, my eyes wattering again from the whole past experience. 

Her eyes widened as she stared at me shocked, never obviously expecting me to burst out like that. I finally couldn't hold it back anymore and hot tears started running down my eyes. I covered my face with both my hands and I fell on my knees, crying out-loud. Sobs escapied my mouth and huge teardrops started falling on the ground like an unstoppable rain of mixed feelings.

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