11| Saying goodbye to our dear intruders

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- Chapter 11 -

Saying goodbye to our dear intruders


Light. That's all I could see through my blurry vision. Where am I? I thought as I tried to blink my eyes. Nothing happened, so I tried to move my limp body. My body doesn't seem to move or even give me a signal of life. I sighed mentally and made another failed try to move, when the low sounds of male voices reached my ears.

"When is she going to wake up?" I heard a familiar man's voice saying.

"Soon enough" another soft voice replied politely and the shrieking noise of a door which was closing was heard.

I wanted to open my mouth and say something, confirm that I was awake and alive. But again, as a lifeless puppet, my body didn't obey to the orders and stood still. Suddenly, the bright light which was pierceing through my eyes cleared, and a tall figure dressed in black gestured me.

I could hear the yet unrecognisable figure gasp as it stood up - or so I thought "Miyori? Are you awake?" the male voice I had heard before asked with a glimpse of worry in it.

Wait a minute. I recognise that bitter yet sweet voice "I-Ikkaku?" I spelled my first words as it was my first time talking, choosing each later carefully and trying to spell it correctly.

I heard a sigh of relief above my body "You're awake!" I heard him saying with a happy tone in his voice.

I blinked my eyelids several times to make sure I was speaking to a real person and not to an illusion. As my vision cleared, I saw him sitting next to me, with his dark orbs staring at my yellow ones full of worry and concern.

I looked around me, seeing the white cold walls which were slight decorated by some flowers someone must have brought me during my long time sleeping  "Where are we?" I asked in confusion when I gave up in recognising the room I was in.

"In 4th division's treatment rooms" Ikkaku said and removed away a strand of my reddish hair which fell on my face. I gasped in surprise -- he wasn't usually doing such sweet things to me.

"Erm, why?" I asked him as I scratched the back of my paining head.  I really couldn't remember what had happened- thanks to the blurry memories of the execution. I saw him sighing as he looked at me with the phrase 'are you an idiot?' written all over his forehead 

"Are you crazy? You almost died out there! You were injured so bad, that you couldn't move at all!!" the bald male yelled at me, with his narrowed black eyes glaring at mine and his hand balled into two tight fists. 

Suddenly, the memories cleared and I could remember clearly everything. The battle I had with Byakuya so I could protect Renji... That's how I got injured so bad!  "That's because of Byakuya, you jack ass!"

A vein popped on his shaved shiny head and he aimed his fist at my direction "Don't call me a jack ass!!"

"I'll call you whatever I want, baldy!" 

"I am not bald! It's shaved! My head is shaved!" 

I gave him a slight childlish pout as I blew the red hair which were preventing me from seeing "Whatever you say" I said defeated. "How long have I been here?"

Ikkaku rubbed the back of his head and looked at me with a thinking expression "About, ehm... 5 days" Ikkaku admitted  and I jumped surprised, not wanting to believe that I was unconscious-- actually sleeping -- for 5 whole days!

My heart skipped a bit and my mouth shaped an 'o', revealing my unexpected surprise for the number of the days "5 freaking days? What have I missed?" 

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