27| The Final Battle VII: A Phoenix's Ashes

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I just wanna warn you. Sas scenes in this chapter. You may wanna cry. I cried when I was writing this. REALLY.

But it is NOT the last chapter. Two more chapters to go!

Kill me afterwards you read this chapter //slap

I know, I'm awful and cruel but meh, everyone deserves some drama in their stories c: Enjoy and always vote and comment! :D


- Chapter 27 -

The Final Battle VII: A Phoenix's Ashes


We carried on running in the spiritual portal, our eyes staring intensively in front of us and our hearts beating at the same rythm as our footsteps echoed. We were getting closer and we knew that, our heartbeating going faster and faster until... Ichigo broke through the dimensional place, swinging his sword up from a brownish head which was belonging to... Aizen.

Captain Unohana and I exited the pathaway before the huge explosion happened, black energy mixing with thick air, blowing us back. Though, when the mist cleared, all we could see was Aizen producing some kind of Kido barrier and blocking Ichigo's destructive attack. Gritting my teeth, I backed off and moved towards the Head Captain, my eyes showing despair and misfortune.

"Head Captain! What shall we do... I can help! I can help Izuru heal the injuries of the wounded, I can help Ichigo fight-"

"No" he simply replied, his eyes looking back at me. "Captain Hono, I understand your desire to fight and help your comrades but what we are talking about it fighting with the strongest man among all of the Shinigamis. Aizen has gained power and created special techniques through the years and if he release the power of the Hougyoku... no one can stop him. Captain Kurotsuchi made a research about you in the Great Library. It proves that you had an interesting past... Your power must stay between us along with your Bankai and you will charge to the enemy only when I will tell you so. Understood?"

I almost sighed in defeat but nodded my head, standing besides the Head Captain. I watched intensively the fight between Ichigo and Aizen- I didn't know that the former Captain of 5th Division could be that strong. As my eyes wandered off, I caught the sight of Toshiro. His haori was almost ripped off and he had some severe cuts on his body, sweat and blood mixing on his stained clothes and face while he was holding his sword with both hands in determination. His emerald eyes traveled around and they finally landed on me, making me raise my hand and wave at him, signalling that everything was alright. He smiled weakly at me and charged towards Aizen with the few other Shinigamis who were still standing up. His will to fight to protect me and Soul Society gave me a sweet feeling of being proud about who I was.

The thoughts of my gloomy past were torn away now- I knew that even if I was an Arrancar back there, now I was a Shinigami and I was being proud of it, proud of everyone that believed in me. And I'm definitely not going to prove them wrong. Not this time.

Some screams were heard from the battlefield which made my head snap towards it. Everyone was falling down, defeated by the monstrous power of the former Captain and current enemy of Soul Society. Only Captain Soi Fon, Toshiro and Captain Kyoraku were standing still up, attacking aimlesly Aizen and causing him to receive some direct hits on his abandomen. Then, Toshiro appeared behind Aizen and stabbed his sword right into Aizen's chest, the edge of his zanpakuto being visible from his front side. The sight left us all startled and stunned at the view; was Aizen truly defeated?

Suddenly, my eyes widened. "Guys... What the hell are you doing?!" I yelled frustrated, tears threatening to escape my eyes. Toshiro's sword had pierced through Hinamori's body and her dark eyes were staring right in front of her with shock and emptiness. Another bloodshot scream was heard beneath us,m proving that Aizen had taken the place and appearance of Hinamori, slicing Kira and Iba. Toshiro left an irritated and clearly pissed-off scream, advancing rapidly for Aizen.

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