Chapter 2: Abnegation

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Evie's relentless cries woke me from my sleep, I glanced over at my bedside clock and sighed.

2 AM.

"C'mon munchkin, dinner time." I mumbled sleepily and hoisted her into my arms and began to rock her, she immediately quietened to a burble as I shuffled into the kitchen.

Usually she was so good at sleeping through the night, I had never had any trouble with her, though it was a horrible hot and humid night, so she was probably uncomfortable and thirsty.

I flipped on the small lamp which spread a glow around the kitchen, I used the last of the milk that I had expressed yesterday and put it on to warm up, I kissed the top of her blonde silky hair and she turned and looked at me with her dark blue eyes, wet from her earlier tears.

The timer went off and I grabbed the plastic bottle, testing it on my hand to make sure it wasn't too hot for her.

"Here you go Evie, because breakfast is at quarter past two." I chuckled, she let out a squeak and was greedily sucking at the bottle in seconds, I leant back against the wooden side and sighed happily.

I burped her and began to sing the chorus of a song quietly to send her back to sleep.

"Oh, love, no one's ever gonna hurt you, love. I'm gonna give you all of my love. Nobody matters like you." I sang, "your life ain't gonna be nothing like my life. You're gonna grow and have a good life, I'm gonna do what I've got to do."

I smiled as she was sleeping in my arms by a few sentences, once I was sure she would not wake if I put her down I kissed her head and laid her in her cot and covered her with her favorite blanket, then proceeded to fall back onto my bed with a sigh and sunk back into a deep sleep.

Sunlight was pouring in through the open blinds next time I woke, I glanced over at Evie who was sound asleep, I gave a silent prayer of thanks, and turned on the baby monitor and put it next to the cot before quietly slipped out of the room.

I took out the ingredients for bacon and egg and put a pan on the hob. I took the cooked bacon and scrambled eggs and put them off the plate, and headed into the living room, eating in the adjoined dining room

I had just finished washing up the breakfast utensils when a knock rattled the door, inciting small, sharp cries ringing from the bedroom. I opened the door, as soon as I saw Tobias standing with a worried expression on his face, I looked around and pulled him into the living room.

The expression was familiar, I had worn the same one when I found out I was pregnant; the terrified panic.

"Take a seat, I just need to calm Evie." I told him disappearing into my bedroom, I picked up Evie and changed her nappy and slipped her into a pair of black baby leggings and a red dress, I tied up her combat booties and walked out into the living room, her in my arms.

"What do you need?" I asked, sitting down on the sofa next to him.

"I'm worried," he sighed dragging his hands down his face "I think Erudite are planning a attack on Abnegation- with the help of Dauntless- and these." Tobias explained and, bringing a tube of orange liquid.

"Serum?" I asked and he nodded.

I'm not sure what it does yet but it's controlled by transmission."

"We need to warn them," I murmured, he nodded.

"I'll visit him- some when."

"He can't hurt you now, you know that?"

"Yeah, but it's still the man who abused us."

"Do want me to come with you or to Dauntless to check anything out?" I asked, kissing Evie's head.

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