Chapter 22: The Chasm

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Two weeks later.

My watch buzzed in my ear, I groaned and shut it off, it was too early to be up, it was five in the fucking morning.

I looked over the other side of the bed to check that Sasha was still asleep.  Thankfully she was, and seemingly unplagued by nightmares.

Quickly, I changed, and went to check on Evie, who was in a state of deep sleep. I pulled the rocking chair to the side of her crib, and sat down with a sigh, "'it's an important day today, Beautiful." I whispered, and as suspected there was no response, "Mama and Dada are getting married today and its kinda a big deal."

I pushed my hand through my hair and sighed, "how about I tell you a story?"

She carried on sleeping peacefully.

"When Dada first met Mama, he thought she was beautiful human being, but he was an asshole to her, because that's what Dada does. He fucks up. So originally Mama despised him. Then after a while, Dada started to fall for Mama, and then someone tried to take her away, Dada saved her, and she started to see the real him."

"Eventually, she began to fall in love with Dada, which isn't easy because he isn't good at having deep emotional connections with people and verbalising his feelings. Then they get together which was a miracle, and it's good for a while, then Dada fucks up and takes it out on Mama, and it almost destroyed them. They were happy for months, Dada even took Mama on their first date, and then Dada fucks up again and Mama got pregnant, and Dada opened his stupid mouth, and she thought that he would be angry at this so she went away and had an amazing daughter, which she named Evie."

"Dada didn't know about Evie for ages, and he became a bigger bastard than ever, when he found them he was shocked, he though Mama had been killed, but he found Mama with Evie. Dada was hurt, and he and Mama had an argument and Dada fucked up again because she thought that Dada didn't want anything to do with Mama or Evie and Dada was going to kill them. But then Dada was honest with her and it was okay. Until a few months ago when Dada fucked up and nearly killed Mama, but she forgave him, because Mama now expects Dada to be a fuck up. Now we are here, and its so important, and Dada doesn't want to fuck it up because that's the running theme in this story.

I shook my head, and rested it in my hands.


I walked into the empty dining room, the only noise was the crash of trays as they were put on the side, I knocked on the serving hatch, one of the cooks opened the door "do you have any muffins ready?"I asked, she gave me a strange look "only blueberry or raspberry and white chocolate." She told me, "could I have one of each." I said, she nodded and passed them through.

I went back to the apartment and left them on Sasha's bedside table with some coffee in a thermos to keep it warm, I picked up my own coffee and headed towards the vehicle hanger.

Four was already waiting there by the time I got there myself, "thanks for this, did you get all the invites done?" I asked.

He nodded, "you don't look very good, didn't sleep well."

I shook my head "only a few hours." I said, swiftly changing the subject "are we meeting Ash and Amber there?"

He nodded "he's been up a hour already making the cake- chocolate Dauntless cake." Four informed, I fished a sheet of paper out of the back pocket of my bike leathers and crossed that off my list.

"Okay. Amber's picking up the wedding dress with Sasha at nine. then going back to our apartment so Layla the Dauntless make-up artist and hairdresser can do whatever she does. We pick up our tuxedos at ten. The flowers need to be collected at eight- so we have three hours to set up the Pit. Oh, and food is coming with the cake." I explained, then groaned, "this is too stressful, leadership training was easier than this."

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