Chapter 20: Chicago

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I felt the bed shift and I rolled over as Eric sat up, I glared at him, he turned and looked at me, his face showing a little amount of surprise when he noticed that I was awake.

"I hate you." I grumbled, sitting up as well.

He smirked and pressed a kiss to my lips "you love me really, deep, deep down in that black heart of yours."

I rolled my eyes "oh, really?"

Cracking my back, before sliding out of bed, I got showered first. I wandered into the open plan living and dining area where Eric was sitting feeding Evie in her high chair, with little successes since she kept on trying to grab the spoon.

"You want the spoon? You can have it." Eric said, handing the green plastic object to Evie, she clutched it in her small fist and waved it around happily before flicking it in Eric's direction.

I burst out laughing as pinkish food splattered on Eric's face, he grimaced and wiped his cheek with the back of his hand.

"Your try." Eric stated, slipping past me into the bathroom as I giggled to myself. I successfully managed to feed Evie a little more and eat the toast that was in my place on the table.

The rest of the day was spent hanging around the apartment, just playing with Evie or reading books. I wanted this time with Evie, especially thinking about what could possibly happen this evening.

We walked to the Cara's place and handed Evie over to her, both me and Eric kissed her forehead and said goodbye.

Eric and I walked to the entrance to the Bureau, where we were all meeting.

My heart was beating erratically, I squeezed his hand as we reached the small huddle of people.

Eric turned and kissed me, I felt my brother glare at the back my head but I didn't care.

"Sash, if anything happens, I love you." He told me.

I turned his face so he looked at me, and sternly ordered "don't say that."

He nodded.

I whispered "I love you and I'll see you soon."

I kissed him again before walking over to Tobias. "Are you ready for this?" I asked Tobias quietly as we walked to our vehicle.

Amar, Christina, Lynk and Peter a little further ahead. Talking about mundane thing, somehow it made the situation worse.

Tobias shrugged "I don't think you could ever be ready for the prospect of erasing one of your parents memories." I nodded and climbed into the back of the faded grey flatbed pickup.

"Do you know where either of our parents are?" I asked.

"Evelyn is in her 'office' at Erudite." Tobias told me, I rolled my eyes, of course she would be in her 'office'.

"And Marcus..." I probed, fear starting to creep into my spine.

"I last saw him acting all buddy-buddy with some of the Amity Allegiant." He informed me.

The drive lapsed into the silence before Tobias spoke again "when I took you to Amity, I made the worst decision- you should've stayed." He told me.

I smiled "I figured that one out a while back." I stated and he nodded.

"I can't believe I'm actually saying this, but, Eric's actually good for you, and you for him."

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