Chapter 21: Life's Too Short

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I leant over and lightly pressed my lips to Eric's, he woke up and smiled "that's the way I want to be woken up every day." He smirked, I rolled my eyes.

"Happy birthday." I said, handing him a box wrapped in black tissue paper.

"How did you know?" He asked, shaking the box lightly, in order to guess what it was.

"Twenty questions back at the Factionless." I reminded, he nodded and ripped off the wrapping.

" I reminded, he nodded and ripped off the wrapping

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"Thank you." Eric replied. "Where did you get them from?"

I shook my head, "they're a gift, you don't need to know."

"I bet I could find out." Moments later I felt him tickling my sides.

"Stop... stop." I laughed, trying to fight off Eric's hands "I concede."

"Really?" He asked

"I hate to say this but we have something to do." I told him, as we both began to doze off again.

Eric groaned and rolled around so he had his back to me whilst grumbling something which sounded like 'do we have to' I rolled my eyes "stop being such a man-child." I called as I walked into Evie's adjoined room. I changed her into some clean clothes, I turned around and smacked straight into Eric's chest, he raised a eyebrow as he vigorously rubbed his hair with a towel.

"You have a shower and then we'll head down to Uriah's room." He said, pulling a wriggling Evie out of my arms, I nodded and went into the bathroom. I let my thoughts out of the triple padlocked box I kept them in and let them run loose, I sighed and shut off the water, and crammed all the different feelings and thoughts back into the too-small box. I threw on some black joggers, a light blue tank and my Dauntless running shoes.

The Bureau was still in disarray a week later, as we walked through the halls there were people helping the leaders which had trouble remembering things. We walked into the Infirmary, which was as full as always, and headed towards Uriah's room, I knew the route well since I walked it a few times every day when I went to visit Eric after the explosion.

A fairly large amount of people had huddled around the small viewing window, I elbowed my way through until I was standing in between Evelyn and my brother, Hana and Zeke were inside, both clasping onto one of Uriah's bandaged hands. As they did they recited something under there breath, a prayer maybe- did Dauntless even have prayers?- I didn't know what Dauntless done, Abnegation shushed death with their quiet whispers and silver platters of tasteless food.

"What are they waiting on?" I asked Tobias quietly. "A leader to sign the consent to turn off the life-support." He replied. "That bastard, why is he still a leader?" Tobias yelled, I looked through the window and saw what was making him so unhappy, David was there in his wheelchair signing Uriah off, he looked up, confused, at Tobias. "The government aren't going to lock him up from shooting a rebel under duress." Evelyn tried to sooth him. "A rebel." He repeats in a mocking tone "is that all she is now?" David wheeled himself out of the room, and with a yell of rage Tobias threw himself at the man, before I could react Evelyn had already threw her arm across his chest in a weak attempt to stop him.

Eric handed me Evie and grabbed Tobias by the shoulders and pulled him out of the crowd and hustled him down the corridor "please look after Evie for a little bit, our apartment is unlocked so could you just take her there." I asked Evelyn, she nodded and I passed her over, I rushed down the hall which Tobias and Eric turned down. I looked out the window and saw two quad bikes speed down the road, I nodded, knowing that the two on the quads were my brother and Eric.

"Hello?" I called as I walked in, I was greeted by Evie crawling around my feet. "She's just started crawling around." Evelyn told me, leaning against the doorframe, I smiled and picked Evie up, kissing her cheek "that's good. Has she been fed?" I asked, Evelyn nodded "I gave her some banana and peach." I nodded "I'll make us some lunch." I told her. We spent the afternoon catching up, slowly starting to build up our relationship. "Sasha, I know it's a lot to ask but could I have Evie for just one night?" Evelyn asked.

I bit my lip, I needed to start to trust her but I still had that doubt in the back of my mind "you can have her for the evening. Not the night. I will pick her up at seven." I instructed, getting up to pack Evie's bag. I handed her the large shoulder bag, "thank you for this." Evelyn thanked and I nodded "just don't make me regret this." I told her, she nodded "I won't." She promised and slipped out the door.

Without Evie it was easier to clean the apartment, by the time I was finished the apartment was sparkling clean. I decided to go up to the roof to watch the sunset, and to also see if I could spot either Eric or Tobias coming in.

I watched as the sun dipped slowly under, casting a reddish orange hue over the sky, Chicago sat as a jagged line on the horizon a little left of the sun. I felt a presence behind me "where did you go?" I asked, Eric sat on the ledge beside me "we went back to Dauntless, threw some knives, attacked a couple of punching bags." He explained "he used to do the same with me." I frowned slightly "you know I've never actually said sorry for putting you through that, and I am so sorry." I apologised. Eric shrugged "I forgave you for everything the moment I saw you were alive. I understand why you done it. Well, sort of." He replied, "why were you so late?" I wondered, he smirked "I had to pick something up."

As he said that he turned and whistled, I heard the click of nails and a spun around, a familiar sable coloured German Shepard stood by the door with a black box in his jaws. "Diesel!" I cried and slapped my thighs with my palms, he bounded towards me and buried my head in his thick fur "god, I've missed you." I whispered, I lent back and wrestled the small box out of his powerful teeth.

"What's this..." I muttered, opening it up, inside was a black metal band with a small Onyx. It was beautiful. I looked up at Eric, he was kneeling on one leg "what do ya say Sash? Will you marry me?" I jumped up and hugged him. Hard. "Yes, of course yes." I told him, he kissed my forehead "how does tomorrow sound?" He replied and I nodded "at Dauntless." I added and he nodded. "I love you." I murmured, "I love you too." Eric whispered.

What did you think of the chapter? I bought Diesel back (Dauntpuffabi)and Eric proposed to Sasha

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