Chapter 18: Punches And Plans

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I sat with my back pressed to the cool wall just staring at the strange sculpture in the middle of the lobby that signified change, I couldn't remember when I last felt my legs- though I know it was a long time ago.

"I thought I would find you here." She said, I looked up, squinting at the fluorescent lights.

Tris smiled slightly and dropped a long black can into my lap and took a seat next to me with a similar looking drink. "They call it a energy drink, as it looks like you haven't slept much I'm guessing you need it." She told me taking a sip herself, I popped the cap and chugged half of it down.

I had been in some frozen cycle for the past week, stuck in grief and worry.

It felt someone had kickstarted me and I felt actual functionality sink back in.

"Are you okay, about Maddie." Tris asked sensitively.

I shrugged, "everyone seems to be asking me that at the moment, but I don't think so, I feel empty when I think of her but I also refuse to think of her dead- I still think of her as alive and ready to race into the next adventure."

Tris nodded in understanding, I knew she'd lost friends and family too. "Maybe it's best to think of her as happy, and hold onto the memories you have, say goodbye and remember the good times." Tris advised.

I nodded "sometimes Tris you know exactly what to say." I told her, gulping the last of my drink and rising to my feet, Tris smiled and stood up with me.

We began walking down the corridor towards the dining room "isn't Eric out today." She asked as we turned down a dull looking hallway, similar to the one we just left.

"Yeah, probably been threatening the doctors, I heard that Tobias is being released today." I replied and she nodded.

"Where's Evie then." She asked, as we entered the giant room "Lynk has been at mine for the past couple of days- he needed some time to himself- the total opposite to the dorms. So if she needs anything while I'm not there she'll be fine, but I don't want to be gone much longer." I told her.

We grabbed some breakfast, I opted for some black coffee and pineapple, before heading our separate ways.

I walked through the hospital's double doors, the smell of chemicals making my eyes water slightly, I made the familiar journey to Eric's room, past Uriah's.

He was still in a coma and they doubt he is ever going to wake from it.

Eric was sitting on the bed, scowling like a little child at his feet as the nurse, Amber, took his blood pressure. I passed her as she left and smiled, "you good?" I asked from the doorway, his head snapped up "I think so, they're just discharging me." He said, slipping off the bed and grabbed my hand kissing me and then Evie's forehead.

We walked over to the front desk and Amber handed Eric a form to sign and a small tub of painkillers, I thanked her and we left, heading for our apartment. "I thought we could try and get Evie some more clothes today-" I trailed off when I noticed Eric had stopped stock still, like a tree rooted in the earth.

I followed his angry glare and saw that Tobias was standing at the end of the hallway with a expression of 'oh shit' on his face.

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