Chapter 4: The Chase

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It had been a day since the attack on Abnegation, four weeks since Tobias warned me about it, and the whole faction has been enveloped in a tense atmosphere.

The few Abnegation who managed to escape came to Amity for refuge, the broken remains of Dauntless headed to Candor.

I haven't heard from Tobi, and I've been petrified, he was my only family and I couldn't lose him.

Apparently Erudite is still releasing reports on Abnegation, poisoning the other factions against the last few.

"Hey Sasha, you heard anything?" Lola asked, she too was worried, she hadn't heard anything from her Dauntless family.

"No, I'm getting really worried about them." I sighed putting my waffles on the bench and Evie in the high chair.

"Do you think-" Lola was cut off by three Amity girls running into the room and heading straight to Johanna, I stood up the same time as Johanna.

"Can you look after Evie for a sec," I yelled, rushing across the room to Johanna, who gently lead me out of the canteen and to the barn which held horses, and above, her office.

She waited, staring passively out of the floor to ceiling window, while I paced the well worn floor which so many Amity representatives had walked before.

The first thing I noticed was his face, I rushed over and enveloped him into a tight hug "you scared the shit outta me." I sighed, pulling away and slapping him lightly on the chest.

"Oh, thank God." Johanna said, touching his shoulders, in Abnegation it was distasteful to indulge in casual contact, "the other members of your group got here a few hours ago, but they weren't sure if you would make it."

I stayed rooted next to my brother, his arm wrapped around my hip, securing me next to him, his own way of showing that Marcus wouldn't be able to touch me.

Johanna surveyed the rest of the small group, landing on a guy with black hair, blood sinking into the fabric of his shirt.

"Oh my," she stated "I'll send for a doctor. I can grant you permission to stay the night, but tomorrow, our community must decide together. And-" she eyed my brother with a dubious look "they will likely not be enthusiastic about Dauntless presence in our compound. I of course ask you to turn over any weapons you might have."

Nodding, Tobi removed the gun from the waistband of his black jeans, and lacing his fingers with the girl next to him.

"My name is Johanna Reyes."

Her hand extended to both the women, and then Tobias, a Dauntless greeting, it takes me back to the Choosing Day which my father held his hand out to Eric.

"This is T-" Marcus started, before Tobias cut him off "my name is Four. This is Tris, Caleb and Peter."

"Four, who is this?" The girl with blonde hair asked, a hint of jealousy in her tone, she was dressed in a mans Abnegation shirt, but they way she carried herself was Dauntless. Tris.

"This is Sasha my sister, ex Abnegation, ex Dauntless now Amity."


It was my fathers tone, before I could even turn to reply, Tobi had released Tris' hand and was standing his full hight between Marcus and I; his muscles tense over his bones which looked to be replaced with steel rods.

"Don't you dare go near her." Tobias hissed, narrowing his eyes at him, "or I won't be responsible for my actions."

"Sasha can Tris and Tobias stay at yours for a few days- just until we sort out accommodation for them," Johanna asked, trying to diffuse the tension, she had probably seen and read the reports that Erudite released.

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