Chapter 3: Masquerade

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I hopped out the shower as the door rung, I flung it open and their stood Tobias, all in back, with a dress bag slung across his arm.

"What's that?" I asked skeptically.

He smirked "I've cleared it with Lola. You're going to the Dauntless masquerade." Tobias replied and passed me the material bag.

I walked back into the bathroom, a excited bubble filling my chest. I couldn't wait to go back... and see Eric.

Smirking, I slipped the black cold shoulder, skin tight dress over my head, feeling pretty pleased that the extra baby weight had simply slipped away with work. I clasped the sparkly silver matching heels around my ankles and done my makeup-using the eye contacts which make my eyes a nice opal colour- before I walked out into the living room where Lola and Tobias were standing with Evie.

"Wow you look amazing." Lola gushed, a smiled "thanks for this Lola." I replied and she just shrugged before sitting on the sofa with Evie in her arms. I kissed my daughter on the forehead, the acute feeling of worry gripping my stomach, "maybe I should stay here." I mumbled, this would be the first time I ever left Evie for a period for longer than two hours, even when I was working I took her with me for most of the morning, and I wasn't going to even be in the faction.

"Don't be stupid, Sash." Lola rolled her eyes "you're supposed to be Dauntless, right?"

Technically I was Divergent but that wasn't information I just blurted out.

"I guess." I mumbled.

"Then go, have fun, we'll hold the down the fort here."


"We better get going." Tobias mumbled, "if your sure?" Nudging me with his elbow.

I nodded and kissed Evie's forehead and went out with Tobias. I dropped into the plush bucket seat and clipped my harness.

Tobias started the car and tossed me a box out of the drivers' door. I snapped it open to reveal a beautiful and intricate metal mask. I gave him a smile in thanks and tied the black ribbon into a bow at the back.

It was twilight when we pulled up into the Dauntless parking dock, I stepped out, a childish excitement engulfed me and I was practically jumping on the spot.

The said excitement nearly disappeared when we entered the busiest sector of the compound, everyone was wearing masks of different variety but I felt like everyone could see through mine like it was glass.

I was half expecting someone to yell 'it's Sasha- she's supposed to be dead!' but no one did.

I could tell the festivities were in full swing when we reached the biggest bar in Dauntless. Drunken bodies sprinted along the walkways carved into the rock, I spotted a black silhouette plunge from the path and there was a sharp scream, whoever it was was cradling his arm, he'd obviously broke it.

People had spewed out of the fronts of bars and into the Pit and raucous games- Dauntless games- had commenced, paid fights and arm wrestles to name a couple.

Tobias and I entered the bar and fought our way through the dancing crowds and pulsing music and strobe lights to the bar, he ordered me a Strawberry Margarita and a beer for himself.

Grinning, I went to join the dance floor but Tobias grabbed my arm and pulled me over so he could speak loud enough for me to hear  "Sash, I know you want to see everyone but stay well away from Eric. We are leaving by one at the latest." He yelled over the bass-filled music.

I felt myself deflate a little, I knew I wouldn't be able to really see my friends here but I was hoping that I could find a way. I nodded and let myself be swallowed by the sea of intoxicated bodies.

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