Chapter 7: One Last Time

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I watched the Amity compound disappear into the distance, the train carriage wavered underneath me as it breaked, we must be nearing the city.

Although I'm happy to get away from their passive haven, I couldn't help but miss some aspects of their life.

Evie let out a cry of alarm and I hugged her a little closer "shhh, don't cry Beautiful, we're nearly there." I assured, she calmed down a little, it would be much harder to disembark with a crying baby squirming in my arms. It had been nearly forty minutes since we'd left Amity, and she was getting restless.

I spotted the Candor headquarters, an eighteen story white building with dark windows, most of us called it the 'Merciless Mart' due to the blunt nature of Candor smart mouths.

Slipping my bag onto my back, I put Evie in her baby carrier before rising to my feet, I took a couple of steps back before launching myself into the long grass, landing moments later- stumbling a little- but keeping my balance.

Once I checked Evie over and kissed her forehead, I started forward "you ready to see Uncle Tobi and Auntie Tris?" I asked, watching her flail her arms around happily.

The journey to Candor was long and sweaty, I didn't really take into consideration that I hadn't maintained the vigorous training that I had in Dauntless, or the fact that I was carrying a baby that weighed the same amount of a small sack of flour.

By the time I got there it was nearly dinner time, and my arms felt like they were pumped through with lead, my arm muscles were nowhere near as developed as I would like.

Sighing, I walked through the glass doors into the marble lobby, and felt someone place a gun on my lower back.

I stiffened and instinctively clenched my fist.

"Miss, could you please tell me who you are, if you're not on my list you cannot enter." The balding security guard told me, the voice inside of my head scoffed, he wasn't a Dauntless, and he thought he could stop me if I wanted to get in?

I waited impatiently for him to find my name, which I knew wasn't on there.

It was one of my brother's friends, Uriah, who came to my rescue.

"Hey Sasha! I'm so glad you're here!" He yelled over the white marbled room "Yaz, she's fine." Uriah told him.

I smiled at Uriah as Yaz stepped to the side.

"Where's Tobias?" I asked as we walked through the black marble floors, to an elevator, then another hallway with white walls and black marble floors.

"In here." he muttered, quietly opening the tall door in front of us.

I spotted Tobias sitting in a chair, positioned above a black Candor symbol ingrained in the white marble floor, under a spotlight which seemed to highlight his gaunt features, he was sweating and seemed out of breath when he talked. Jack Kang was waiting in the shadows while another man dressed in a Candor suit circled him, an evil glint in both his eyes, as if they were a vultures preying on its vulnerable prey.

"One of the purposes of this interrogation is to determine your loyalties- so I must ask: why did you transfer?" A Candor asked.

I saw Tobias bite his lip, a obvious sign of distress before glaring at him, I willed him to stay strong.

"I'll ask you again. We must understand the extent of your loyalty to your chosen faction. So why did you transfer to Dauntless, Tobias?" Kang asked again.

"This is horrible," I groaned, they were probing into something too personal for him to blurt out in front of all those people.

"To protect myself." Tobias stated "I transferred to protect myself."

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