Chapter 17: Under Attack

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"How was your meeting with David?" Eric asked, wrapping his hand around mine.

"David asked me to join the council and I told David that I needed to prioritise, that my family came first and I needed to take a step back until everything was settled." I told Eric as we walked back from lunch, Eric nodded "why? I'm sure you could do both if you wanted." He asked, and pulled me close, Evie started to cry and I raised an eyebrow.

"Can you take her back to the apartment for a rest while I quickly grab some ingredients for dinner?" I asked Eric, he nodded and I passed him Evie.

"You coming back with Dada?" Eric asked, gently bouncing our daughter, grinning.

Evie smiled with delight "daada!" She giggled, I watched Eric's face break into a smile, he glanced at me and I nodded.

"C'mon my bubba." He cooed, kissing her forehead before walking off.

As he passed Uriah a loud crack rang through the hallway and the floor began to quake.

"Eric! Uriah!"

I was too late.

The force of the explosion lifted me into the air, I was tossed into the air like a rag doll, my head smacked against the white wall, knocking me out instantly.

My vision was blurry when I came too, I winced as I shook my head in a vain attempt to clear it.

I staggered to my feet and rushed over to pile of rubble that replaced where Eric and Uriah stood, with tears streaming down my face I grasped the first stone in a bloodied hand and chucked it over my shoulder.

Soon I was joined by others nearby, flinging stones in a frenzy, I came across a arm. Uriah's arm.

"Guys over here." I called, two men helped me get Uriah out the debris and another ran over with a stretcher, we carefully maneuvered him onto the stretcher and he was carried off by two other people. I started to dig through the wreckage to find Evie and Eric.

Cries were heard a few minutes later.

"I've found someone." A lady called over, I rushed over to where she was kneeling.

The top half of Eric's body was visible, curled around Evie like a protective shell, her face was red from crying and effort.

Carefully, I scooped Evie up and began to rock her "shhhhh, Evie Mama's here." I assured and she quieted down, letting out small sobs every now and then.

The lady pressed her fingers to Eric's neck and nodded "faint pulse, let's get him out." She ordered, "so he's gonna be okay?" I asked, she shrugged "I'm not sure, the hospital will know more after running some tests." She informed me, I nodded and rushed after the group carrying his stretcher.

The hospital was packed, I passed Uriah's room.

The door was closed; not the best sign.

Eric was in the room two doors down from Uriah's, I sat in the uncomfortable high backed chair and grabbed his wired hand in mine and gave it a squeeze.

The doctor came in around an hour later, clipboard in hand.

"I'm guessing you're his partner?" He asked, uninterested, then carrying on regardless. "Sorry about the long wait, due to the attack we've been rushed off our feet."

I nodded "it's okay. Sasha." I replied, sticking my hand out, he smiled and grasped it, shaking it slightly.

"I'm Dr. Barlow. I've just got Eric's results back and it is a good sign that there is no bleeding on the brain- which is quite common is any case of blunt force trauma- though he will have concussion so I would advise keeping rested for at least 5 days."

"Thank god." I sighed.

"He's off medication, so it's up to him when he wakes. Eric also has fractured his collarbone, he will need to wear a brace for a few days to give the healing serum time to get to work and then refrain from sport's with lots of physical contact." He told me.

I felt the weight on my shoulders lift, it could of been a lot worse.

"Thank you Dr." I thanked, he smiled and left the room just as Tris walked in.

I sat up straight "hi Tris, what's wrong? Is Tobias hurt?" I asked, starting to panic.

"No. Tobias is fine." She assured me "Tobias was part of the attack on the Bureau. The one that Eric, Evie and Uriah were caught up in." Tris told me.

I clenched my jaw "where's he held?" I questioned through gritted teeth.

"Terminal 6." She told me.

I passed her Evie and promised that I would be back soon.

"I need to speak to my brother, Four?" I asked, the guard looked at my angry face and nodded "you have five minutes Miss." He said, unlocking the door, "good job I only need three." I muttered as I walked into the clinical white cell.

Tobias was sitting on a thin mattress on a floor, his back up against the plain wall, he looked up and then flicked his eyes back down again once he saw my expression.

"Yeah you better look away." I snapped, I felt the anger tighten my muscles.

"please don't," Tobias muttered.

"Do you know what I've just spent the last couple of hours doing?" I cried.

He shook his head.

"Well let me tell you Four !" I replied "well for the first twenty minutes or so I done the delightful job of digging my partner and my daughter out the rubble of a collapsed wall." I told him, sarcasm and anger strong in my voice "and then I dug Uriah out of the same wall. You could of killed my daughter and the person I love. You could've killed Uriah."

He looked up at me, shock in my eyes "I'm so sorry, Sasha, I didn't-" He apologised, or tried.

I held up a hand "the people you owe an apology to are Uriah and Eric." I said "do you know what's wrong with Uriah, and Eric."

He shook his head slowly.

"Uriah is in a coma- they're not sure if he will ever wake up." I told him, he groaned and went to say something before being cut off by the security. "Time's up Miss, offender behave." He called, I waved goodbye and left the room.

As I walked into the hospital I collided with someone, I winced and looked up, meeting Lynk's familiar hazel eyes, which were filled with tears.

"Lynk did I hurt you that much?" I asked, he gave me a watery smile.

"No. Not at all. You were the person I wanted to see."

"What's up?"

The sad grin fell from his face.

"Maddie is dead."

Hi everyone. What did you think of the chapter? Do you think Sasha had a right to go off at Tobias like that? And what about Maddie- am I evil?

I was listening to Fall Out Boy while writing this :D

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