Chapter 13: War Crimes

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Groaning, I shook my head side to side in a feeble attempt in ridding myself from the splitting headache, my muscles felt like I had replaced it with a lead pipe.

"You're awake." Tobias whispered, sitting up properly, and wiping the sleep from his eyes.

"Yeah, how many days?" I asked, my body felt stiff, and I couldn't even move my arms whiteout bolts of agonising pain shooting through them, but I couldn't work out whether it was from whatever landed me in here or laying in bed for so long.

"So dramatic." He muttered "it's been four days."

"Four days?" I asked, sitting up too quickly, my muscles to seized, causing me to collapse back onto the bed, withering in agony.

Once my muscles had unlocked themselves, and Tobi had helped me sit up, I looked over at the spare chair next to him "where's Eric?" I asked, looking around the empty hospital booth, "where's Evie? Is she with him?"

I saw Tobias clench his jaw, while his fingers drummed against his bouncing leg. His tell.

"What have you done?" I demanded.

Tobias rolled his eyes "they said you wouldn't remember much of what happened," he muttered, "and why did you say what have I done?" Tobi added on defensively.

"Tobi, what happened?" I exclaimed- I hated being left in the dark- especially if it's about me.

"Eric is imprisoned right now, he's being charged for War Crimes." He explained "the reason you're in this hospital bed is because he attacked you and knocked you out, I think he was in a sim which doesn't require any wires. That is the only feasible option."

I shook my head, which was a painful act in itself. "What happens if he's found guilty?" I questioned.


I lowered my eyes, I would not let him die, I would rather die myself.

"We need to get him out."

"I know, but do you think Evelyn the Tyrant is just going to hand him over? We need to work out a plan."

"Evelyn has become a tyrant? Figures."

"Sasha, a group known as the Allegiant want to get outside the wall, and we are leaving tomorrow night, do you want to come with us?" Tobias offered,

I shrugged "not without Eric." I told him. I had left him once, and I didn't want to do it again.


I was just checking the bag for the last time before tomorrow.

When I heard of the plan I practically laughed, of course my mother wouldn't let anyone leave- she was just as bad as Jeanine- I could understand not establishing the factions, they were pretty useless now, after the mass genocide of Abnegation and the enslavement of Candor, but she was going the wrong way about it.

About nine at night, just after I put Evie to bed in the currently empty dorm, I heard the door open but no noise, which was weird, because normally everyone from Dauntless was so loud and brash. Though they were extremely considerate at bed times, according to Uriah, due to the high death rate in Dauntless, babies were extremely important to the the faction, and every precaution was taken to protect them by all members. Even though the faction had disbanded the tradition stuck.

Tobias was standing there with a gun pointed at Eric's head, he looked tired and worried, black semi-circles under his eyes showed that he hadn't been sleeping.

Eric looked up and saw me, he wriggled his wrist out of Tobias's grip and run towards me and wrapped me in a hug "I'm so sorry." He whispered over and over again "it's okay." I reassured, hugging him back. I heard the door close softly and he pulled away.

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