Chapter 9: Hangover

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I woke up to a parched throat and a splitting headache, I groaned and removed whoever's arm was slung over my waist.

Slowly, I glanced to my left and saw Eric sleeping on his back, one arm slung above his head and the other curled around a sleeping Evie who was curled up on his bare chest, I smiled slightly, wanting to capture the moment, and live in it forever.

I peeled myself off the mattress, nearly knocking over the glass cup filled with water and another one with a couple of white pills.

I lifted up both cups and read the message scrawled on the notepad next to one.

Take these x

I rolled my eyes, "still looking after me?" I muttered after taking the medication and a drink.

"Uhuh." I heard a tired voice groan from behind, I turned around and saw Eric propped up on his elbow and Evie snuggled up in the crook of his arm.

"I didn't know you were awake." I mumbled.

Eric got to his feet and scooped Evie up in his arms, "I'm a light sleeper," he ran a hand through the wild mess of his hair "do you remember much of last night?" He asked, reaching onto his bedside table and picking the squishy panda head to give to Evie.

"No, only tipping a load of vodka back. Why?" I asked.

"We had sex." Eric stated, I felt my face go slack, he saw my expression and burst out laughing "I'm only joking," he laughed but then turned serious.

"God, you're such an ass."

"We seriously need to talk about some stuff." he said quietly, gently pulling me over so I was sitting on the bed.

"Last night you told me that you still cared for me," I murmured, he looked away, embarrassed.

"Well, I didn't know if you felt the same. I don't want you just to go out with me just because I'm Evie's father- I will always be there for her and you." Eric explained, scratching the back of his neck.

"I want to be with you. When I was in Amity all I wished was that our daughter was healthy and you could be right beside her." I replied.

I wasn't the person to stay with someone just because we had a child, it would end in us resenting each other, and that was no way to bring up a child.

"In that case then, Sasha Eaton will you be my girlfriend- again?" He asked, I answered by pressing my lips to his.

A knock on the door distracted us, I pulled away "what?" I snapped, dropping my hand from the back of his neck.

"Waffles downstairs," Tobias called through the door, "Ash's got the kitchen running."

"Fuck your brother." Eric muttered.

"No swearing in the presence of your daughter." I scolded.

He rolled his eyes "I'm gonna get dressed."

I kissed his cheek, "I'll be here," I replied, taking Evie from his arms, and heading downstairs to the kitchen. Evie was just past the six month stage, she was already taking well to the follow-on formula but she was still hungry.

"Hey, Eric?" I called, a couple of moments later he appeared from the bathroom with a towel slung around his hips, "I was thinking, maybe we should start Evie on soft solids?" He smiled, and glanced over at our baby who was hopping about in her door bouncer.

"Sounds great, Evie will need more iron between the six and twelve month stage so if we get baby food with things like broccoli and beans in it will help boost that while also keeping her full."

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