Chapter 15: Pure

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Unedited from here so the storyline may not match up properly

Me and Eric were sitting at the table, Eric eating his body weight in bacon and I was feeding Evie a pot of peaches.I felt someone grab my shoulder, I tended, preparing myself to twist, grab and shove. But then I realise it's Zoe who's standing behind me.

"David would like to see you in his office." I shrugged and got up, Eric shadowing my actions. I know he was feeling a little overprotective at the moment, not knowing the lay out of the Bureau.

"He only wants to see Sasha." Zoe enforced, giving Eric a look, Eric glared back and crossed his arms across his chest, not a fan of being told what to do.

Handing over Evie, I told him. "It's okay, why don't you have a look around. I'll be back soon." Like him, I preferred to have a good knowledge about my surroundings.

"So how do you like the Bureau so far?" Zoe asked eagerly as we wandered towards the entrance, I shrugged, undifferentiated to when I first arrived here less than twenty four hours ago. Her unwavering gaze made me feel like I was being suffocated into a mould that I didn't quite fit.

I glanced away as I felt the heat creep up my spine and wrap around my neck.

Thankfully, Zoe found the other person she was looking for, Tris, by the water sculpture, and she moved her attention onto someone who was willing to engage in conversation without hostility.

Once Zoe had given Tris a brief explanation of the sculpture, and why David wanted to see her, we were off to see the man.

"Fair warning: You might get stared at," Zoe explained as we walked through the security scanner again. I was that we only had to stand in there briefly. "Your face is a familiar one here. People in the Bureau watch the screens often, and for the past few months, you've been involved in a lot of interesting things. A lot of the younger people think you're downright heroic."

"Oh, good," Tris retorted sarcastically "heroism is what I was focused on. Not, you know, trying not to die."

I snorted with laughter as Zoe quickly began to backtrack. Despite the warning I felt myself turn cold and glare at anyone who glanced in my direction with their pointed, judgemental stares. I felt myself close off to the stares of the blue and green jumpsuit clad people, and even to Tris and Zoe.

"Is that for air travel?"

I was stumbled back into reality, literally, after the two other women came to an abrupt stop. They both stared at a long, white cylindrical object with two protruding wing-like attachments.

"Yes." Zoe smiled, almost proudly, like a parent. "It's an airplane. We might be able to take you up in one sometime, if it doesn't seem too daunting for you."

I rolled my eyes at the play of words.

We found David peering out one of the floor-to-ceiling windows, impassively staring at the open space.

Hello Sasha and Tris," David acknowledged. "Thank you for bringing her, Zoe."

"You're welcome, sir," Zoe smiled. "I'll leave you to it, then. Lots of work to do."

She disappeared down another hallway in a blink of an eye.

"So, would you like for me to talk to first?" He asked.

I knew Tris's was about her mother, and that was above all, the most important. "Tris, you can go first."
She smiled at me thankfully, before following David into a different room.

A young man walked out not long after, and froze at the sight of me sitting with my back to the widow. "You must be Sasha. I'm Matthew, David asked if you would like to come in."

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