Chapter 9

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"Good morning, Ladies."
I screamed surprised and both of us turned around immediately.
"What the hell, Kheen! You scared the shit out of me! ", Trixi complained, her eyes still wide open, as she saw that it was Kheen who stood behind us.
He chuckled and ran a hand through his hair.
" What are you doing here? ", I asked staring at his hair. Damn. It was still so fluffy.
The boy tilted his head slightly. He seemed amused." I could ask you the same question. "
I suddenly found the ground much more fascinating then Kheen's curious face.
" Umm.. We.. "
" None of your business. ", Trixi interrupted, saving me from having to answer.
I looked at her in a grateful way and she smiled back.
Kheen grinned." Girls secret, huh? "
I laughed slightly." Yes. And what about you? "
Still grinning, he raised an eyebrow and sat down next to us.
" Unlike that teacher back there, I noticed your little getaway. I just wanted to check what you were doing. To be honest, I didn't expect you to just be sitting around singing..."
He sat right next to me and I looked at him with a curious expression.
"So... What did you think we were doing? "
He grinned even wider and seemed like he wanted to provoke me."Oh... You know... Things."
Trixi laughed and slapped his arm. "Excuse me?!"
She had to lean over me to do that and I prepared to catch her just in case she might slip.
I rolled my eyes at Kheen in a judging but amused way.
He winked at us and yawned afterwards while stretching his arms.
"So... Today is the great day, huh? You're gonna meet Ethan. Hallelujah. "
I chuckled a little, hoping that that would hide the fact that I was incredibly nervous.
" Yes. Do you guys get to talk to him often? "
I was very curious what he would be like. I imagined him as a athletic, eloquent, polite and probably very fairytale-prince-like man, like the perfect hero without a flaw.
He was the leader of the Ability Guards after all. He just had to be great.
Trixi laughed. "Yeah. But I try to avoid him most of the time."
Kheen nodded, laughing along.
I didn't understand. "Why would you want to avoid him? Shouldn't it be an honor to be able to talk to the leader of the Ability Guards?"
Both stared at me as if I had become a pink walrus all of the sudden.
I blushed and looked from Trixi to Kheen.
"... What? "
Finally, Kheen answered.
" I forgot that you don't know him yet. Well you sure are going to be surprised. "
" Well that just sounds great. Thanks. I'm totally confident and not at all even more insecure now.", I thought sarcastically.
"What are you talking about? "
I was confused. Again.
Trixi sighed slightly." Look. Ethan may seem like a great hero but in reality... He is just egoistic and doesn't give a crap about others. Except for people who write articles about him of course. "
" Yeah. ", Kheen agreed," He likes bossing people around and takes all the credit for their hard work. He is an ass. "
Well that was just great.
I shook my head disappointed." That really sounds like an idiot."
Trixi put an arm around me in a comforting way. "Sorry for telling you like this..."
I chuckled a little and leaned against her shoulder.
"Thanks for telling me, really. At least I'm prepared now. I can come up with comebacks for some situations. "
I grinned at the end.
A part of me wondered why I felt so comfortable and relaxed around Trixi and Kheen. I didn't know them for a long time. Normally, I wasn't able to trust people this easily. I had made to many bad experiences with that.
But right now, I had let my guard down completely. And surprisingly, I didn't worry about that.
I leaned a little closer to Trixi, her arm still around me.
"Hey! "
I looked at Kheen, simply raising an eyebrow.
" I want to be hugged too!"
He acted like he was really sad, but he wasn't able to hide a little smirk.
Again, he looked really adorable.
"Sorry! There you go!", I quickly answered as I hugged him, which gave me a great chance to touch his hair. Yes. It was as fluffy as it looked.
Trixi laughed, checking her watch.
"Guys? I think we should get back now... "
Kheen let me go and checked his watch as well." Already? Oh man... I was just about to tell Ally the story about how Ethan got punched in the face by one of his Teammates... "
" Save that story for next time. We need to get ready for breakfast. ", Trixi grinned as she stood up.
We went back to the apartments  without any teacher noticing our little adventure.
Kheen went to the boy side of the building to get ready while Trixi and I went to our room.
" Hey Trixi? "
She turned around to look at me while combing her hair.
" Yes? "
" Thank you. "
I smiled at her gratefully.
She smiled back." Anytime. Just tell me if you need help. "

After finally getting ready, we went to the cafeteria to have breakfast.
We sat at the same table as the day before, waiting for the boys to join us.
" Good morning... "
I turned around to see Ty and Kheen walking towards us. Ty seemed very tired, his eyes were only half opened and his hair was messy.
" Good morning! Are you okay Ty...? ", I asked, handing him a basket of bread.
He simply nodded and took a bite out of a piece of bread.
During most of the breakfast, the three told me what I was going to do today.
First, I was going to meet Ethan to explain what had happened. I was really not excited about that anymore.
Then, I was going to do a test to tell how strong my abilities were. There was a scale from one to five.
Afterwards, there was going to be another test to see what kind of abilities I had. This was the test I had already been told about.
"Well... ", I sighed," This is going to be an interesting day. "

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