Chapter 4

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"I'm don't know yet. But I'm sure I can convince you to tell me."
Ty's eyes sparkled in a creepy way. I backed of as far as possible on the bed i was still sitting on.
Kheen left the room without looking back at me. I wanted to tell him to stay, being alone with Ty made me shiver. "I'll tell you whatever you want to know!", I said quickly, hoping that Ty would not hurt me.
"Good. ", the pale boy answered, no emotions showing on his ice-cold face."I'll know it if you lie. Trust me. You are better off by telling the truth."
I nodded, my eyes still wide open, watching his every move.
" So Alysia... You might want to explain why your shirt is soaked in blood and why you carried this knife with you."
My heart stopped beating for a moment. In his hands was the strangely shaped knife. I didn't know that I held on to it all this time.
Without realizing it, I clawed my fingernails in my arm again.
This knife... Or rather the owner of the knife... Was responsible for my parents' death.
Ty coughed. Oh. He wanted an answer.
"I... Ummm... I know what this looks like but... I didn't hurt anyone. I didn't do it! I promise!"
Ty simply stared at me.
"This blood... ", I looked at my bloody shirt," It's my parents' blood."
Tears started leaving my eyes again.
"They... I... I found them in the kitchen... ",  I shook my head, trying to get the picture to leave," there was blood everywhere! And my poor parents... " I wasn't able to continue talking, I could not breathe right.
Pictures of the scene kept flashing in front of me.
I looked up. Ty sat next to me, looking directly at me with a cold expression .
" What happened to your parents?"

I looked at him, still scared. Then, I couldn't hold back anymore.
"They are dead okay?! They are dead! Someone killed that with that knife you are holding! I found them and I tried to help!", my voice was raising with every word until I was almost screaming. Then, I covered my face with my hands, tears running down my arms.
"They are dead... ", my voice was almost a whisper."I'm alone... I can't run from what i've seen... I can't run..."
I closed my eyes. I just wanted this pain to end.
Suddenly I felt an arm around my shoulders.
I looked up, scared that Ty might want to hurt me.
He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a hug. His hand gently stroking my back.
He didn't say anything. He simply held me tight, comforting me.
Thankful, I wrapped my arms around Ty, completely leaning into the hug. After some time I stopped shaking and my breathing went back to a more normal routine.
I just cried silently into the boys hoodie.

A few minutes later, he let go of me, looking at me in a concerned way.
"That's what happened. That's the truth.", I said with a weak voice.
Ty nodded. "I know. You didn't lie."

How was he so sure? Of course I was grateful for it but I still wondered.
Ty must have noticed my confusion. He sighed, looking at the ceiling."I saw the pain in your eyes. Nobody can fake something like that."

For the first time since i'd met him today he seemed kind of weak. Or hurt.
"You say that like you have experienced something like that", I said in a gentle but worried tone.
Ty looked at me, only to look away very quickly.
"Its nothing. I have to go now to tell Ethan what you told me. He'll find a team to investigate the case. Please wait here."
He stood up, walking towards the door.
" Wait! I want to help!", I said quickly, not thinking before talking.
He sighed. "You have to learnt to control your abilities before being sent out on a mission. I'm afraid you won't be able to join the team. Even if you were sent out on a mission, this one seems like it's too dangerous for an amateur."

I understood. Of course I would not be of any help, I would only get in the way. But still, I kept talking.
"This is about my parents! I need to find the one responsible for what happened!"
Ty turned around. "Well you better be quick at learning to fight."
He turned around and left.

Then I just sat in silence.
For the first time since I shot that power wave I was alone with my thoughts.
I closed my eyes, listening to the calming buzzing of the lamp hanging from the ceiling. I could hear sounds from outside. The creaking of branches... Chirping birds... Somewhere in the distance I heard water.
I liked being alone. It gave me time to think and to organize the confusion in my head.
Remembering my new found powers, I smiled. They gave me hope.
I wondered what kind of abilities I had.
Looking at my hands, I immediately thought "light."
In that dark alleyway, when the dark was pressuring me, I shot a wave of light. Maybe I could do something with it?
I reached out for the pleasantly buzzing lamp, trying to see if anything would happen.
That didn't feel right. Like it wasn't what i needed to do.
I sighed. "I shouldn't hurry too much..." I then mumbled to myself, "I can't expect to be able to control this already."
Suddenly I felt like something was standing behind me. I thought I heard breathing.
Quickly, I turned around, expecting to be surprised by someone watching me.
But the only thing behind me was the wall.
"Maybe I'm just imagining things... " I thought.
It was quite possible. I felt exhausted.
I looked at the bed I had been sitting on.
The room seemed like an infirmary. No decorations, except a little plant on a shelf.
I lay down. I needed to get some rest.
" Lay your weary head to rest...", I sang to myself, closing my tired eyes. "Don't you cry no more..."

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