Chapter 19

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Ally's point of view :
I was done reading the information Trixi had given me so I simply sat around, watching everything that was going on inside the room.
Some people had entered, some had left.
A few minutes ago, the nerdy looking boy I had accidentally stared at during the breakfast sat down a few pillows away from me.
Like I had already done with everyone else here, I inspected him.
He was wearing glasses without a big frame and he had dreadlocks in a darker shade of blond.
I heard voices outside the glass framing the room and looked at the four people approaching.
I smiled.
Trixi opened the door and entered first, Kheen, Ty and Alec right behind her.
All of them greeted me which made some of the other people in the room look in my direction. I tried my best to ignore them.
"Hey guys! What's up? "
Kheen grinned at me." Looks like you finished the tests without a problem. What are the results? "
All of them stared at me, eagerly awaiting my response, except Alec who was simply smiling because he knew the answer already. I was glad that he hadn't told the others.
" Well... Um... Look for yourselves..."
I handed them the two test results.
Trixi reacted first.
"5? Awesome, we have the same potential! And you have two abilities? That's pretty damn badass. "
Kheen whistled." Trixi is right about that, darling. "
I ignored the nickname he used for now.
Alec raised an eyebrow." 'Darling'? Did I miss something? "
Ty shook his head and responded before I had the chance to answer.
" Kheen seems to be unable to remember her name so he chose that alternative. Congratulations by the way, Alysia. These results are very promising. "
While I nodded gratefully, Kheen sulked at Ty.
He poked the white-haired boy's arm. "Hey! I'm just calling her that to annoy her... My memory isn't that bad."
A tiny smile took place on Ty's face.
"I know. "
Trixi sat down next to me. I remembered what she said a minute ago. " Your potential is 5 as well? "
She nodded happily.
" Now Kheen can complain about the two of us having a greater potential than him, not only me."
Kheen grinned. "Yes I can. I have 4.5 by the way."
Wow. He had no reason to complain, that was an awesome amount.
"Wow, impressive! Combined with your ability, that sounds pretty deadly... "
He flashed a creepy smile at me." Oh trust me, it is... "
I backed off a bit.
Trixi raised an eyebrow at him. Then, she raised a hand in front of his face.
Suddenly, black flames burst out of it, almost reaching Kheen's poor fluffy hair.
" Don't scare Ally. "
I stared at her hand. It didn't seem to be burning down.
Kheen laughed while backing off." Okay okay, calm down! "
Trixi looked at me with a proud smile.
" Um. Trixi? "
" Yes? "
" First off: your hand is still burning, second off: that looks freaking awesome. "
She grinned and the fire looked like it was being drained back into her hand.
" That's part of my ability. "
Kheen put a hand over his nose while looking at Trixi in a judging way.
" Did you have to show that off like that? Now my nose hurts. Maybe you burned it... "
Without saying a word, Ty removed Kheen's hand and pointed at the boy's nose. Little snowflakes started building around it to cool it down.
The black-haired boy smiled.
" Thanks Ty! "
So Ty was able to control snow? Interesting.
He sighed." Asking about your test wasn't the only reason we came here for."
I raised an eyebrow.
"We were responsible for opening the safe in your house... That's why I had to leave. ", Alec explained carefully.
I looked at the ground, my hair falling in my face.
" Okay.... Did you find it? "
My voice was quiet and I didn't dare to look at them.
" Yes. And we were hoping that you could help us with what we found inside... ", Alec explained further while handing me a stack of papers.
I looked at them. There were things written on them in some kind of weird runes... They seemed familiar but I wasn't able to read what they said.
" I'm sorry... These runes seem incredibly familiar but I don't know what they say. "
Suddenly someone took the paper out of my hand.
I turned around.
The nerdy-looking boy stood behind me, looking at the writings.
" I can translate these. Give me a few weeks. "
Without saying anything else he took the whole stack of papers and simply walked out of the room.
We all watched him leave, not knowing what to do.
After a few seconds of silence, Kheen started talking.
" Well. That problem is solved. Does anyone know who that was? "
Trixi thought about that for a moment.
" I think I've read his file in the directors office... If I remember correctly his name is Nirm. I don't know much more about him. "
Well that sure sounded like a trustworthy guy.
How did Trixi get access to these files though? Shouldn't they be private?
Ty answered that question before I could even ask it.
" Trixi always sneaks into the office to read everyone's files. "
The girl nodded happily." I just like to know about everyone. "
I couldn't hold back a little chuckle. "Oh. Okay then."
Suddenly a bell rang through the whole school.
The others started getting up.
Alec held out his hand towards me to help me get up too.
" The bell means that it's time for dinner. "
We went into the cafeteria and ate while talking about what we had experienced today. All of us had a lot to tell. When Trixi and I went back to our room, I prepared for the next day.
Tomorrow I would start going to my classes.

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