Chapter 20

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The next day felt like it passed by extremely quickly.
After breakfast my first class was AG biology which wasn't the same as a regular biology class.
It was about how bodies of people with abilities were different and such things.
Of course I had not started the class at the beginning of the year so I didn't understand everything the teacher said although I tried my best.
After the class had passed, the teacher handed me a book that I was supposed to read. It was for me to catch up with the rest of the class.
The next class was simply a regular english class which I had with Mujop.
It was really relieving to see a familiar face. Luckily the place next to her was empty.
This lesson was far easier for me to handle since the topic was simply analyzing an article.
Mujop and I worked together with another student called Robyn which was surprisingly really comfortable for me.
I spent almost every break im between classes searching for the next room. I was proud of myself for only getting lost twice.
The next class was really fascinating although I probably made a bad first impression by arriving late because of my horrible orientation.
It was about all kinds of dangerous creatures and their weaknesses, behaviors and so on.
As I basically ran into the classroom trying not to be so late, I was greeted my Mr Lambert simply smiling patiently.
"Hello Alysia. Please take a seat. "
Now the whole class was staring at me. Great.
Until now I'd somehow managed to arrive a few minutes before the lesson started which drew less attention towards me.
But now everyone was watching my every move.
I walked towards the table Mr Lambert had pointed at and sat down as silent as possible while finding the floor extremely intriguing.
The teacher simply continued the lesson without mentioning me which I was very grateful for.
While he told the students to open their books, someone poked my arm. I looked up at who was sitting beside me to find Kheen grinning at me.
"Hey, Ally. "
I blushed, embarrassed for not noticing him.
"Oh. Hi Kheen! Sorry, I didn't see you there..."
I smiled apologetically.
He chuckled. "No big deal. How are you holding up?"
I got a few pens and an unused notebook out of my bad.
"So far surprisingly well. Although I didn't understand anything they were talking about in AG biology... "
The boy nodded." You'll understand all that stuff sooner or later. "
I noticed Mr Lambert walking towards us. He stopped next to me."Kheen... I appreciate that you are talking about school with her but please concentrate on this class right now." the teacher grinned at Kheen in a friendly way. They seemed to be quite relaxed and comfortable around each other.
Kheen smiled with an apologizing expression. He didn't appear to feel bad though. "Sorry, Mr Lambert. What were we supposed to do again.. ?"
I raised an eyebrow. Never would I dare to openly admit that I didn't listen to the teachers directions like that. I mentally prepared myself for Kheen being shouted at now.
But Mr Lambert simply shook his head in an amused way.
"Page 22, exercise 1 and 2. Please help Ally if she needs it. "
Without another comment, he turned around and went back to the front of the classroom.
"Huh." His behavior was very unusual for a teacher.
Kheen smirked. "He is pretty much the coolest teacher ever. And he is organizing the AG team I am in so he knows me very well. I've never seen him get angry but everyone still respects him."
I smiled while checking out the exercise we were supposed to work on.
There was a picture of a monster with a human next to it for size comparison. The monster was about three times the size of the human.
The headline read : Lupidracus
Kheen sighed. "Oh. I've fought one of those things before. They are really annoying."
I inspected the picture. The monster looked like some fusion between a dragon, a wolf and a bear. Mighty wings grew out of its back. It didn't really look like something I would like to meet.
The text underneath the picture contained a lot of information about the behavior of the Lupidracus and about how to kill it.
Kheen shrugged. "Killing it is easy once you make it unable to fly..."
I raised an eyebrow. "That doesn't sound like a nice procedure."
Kheen chuckled. "Yeah. It's not pretty, I can say that much. But it needs to be done if you don't want to end up brutally eaten and digested."
I frowned. "Sounds great."
The sentence was flooded with sarcasm.
We spent the rest of the lesson working on the exercises and talking about monsters Kheen had defeated. He really was experienced with killing things. I was happy that I was no monster.
After the lesson I checked my timetable and I was filled with excitement immediately.
The next lesson was fighting training.
Kheen looked over my shoulder. "Oh, nice! Fighting training is cool. Ty is in that class as well. Come on, let's go!"
He simply pulled me along towards the gym.
At least I won't get lost now.
We were stopped by someone standing in our way. It was a girl with very bright, blonde hair. Her green eyes felt like they were piercing right into my soul. Kheen did not seem amused about her getting in between us and the gym while I was simply intimidated.
The girl's voice was high pitched and felt like a needle being shoved into my ear.
"Well what do we have here. Mr Weirdo found a new toy, huh? "
Kheen's expression changed from unamused to annoyed.
"Get out of the way Leonie. We are busy."
The girl sneered.
"But I didn't even get to greet her... That's just rude Weirdo."
I didn't like this girl at all. All of my senses told me to get away from her as quickly as possible.
She walked towards me and Kheen blocked her way.
She looked at him for a moment. "Get out of the way. I just want to say hello."
Kheen didn't move an inch. "Leave her alone."
The girl giggled. "As you wish, weirdo."
She looked directly into my eyes. "I'll greet you another time."
Then she left without waiting for a response.
Kheen sighed clearly annoyed.
I walked next to him since he was still standing in front of me in a defensive way.
"Who... Who was that..? "
I felt uneasy since she'd appeared.
" Leonie. Remember her and avoid her. Trust me, you don't want to meet her again. And one more thing. Don't ever let her touch you. "
I wanted to ask for an explanation but he interrupted me before I could even say anything.
" Come on, let's go. We don't want to arrive late. "
Oh, right. The fighting training was about to start.

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