Chapter 14

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I couldn't believe what the screen said. I didn't move a muscle, it was as if I was paralyzed.
Even Mrs Austins didn't say a thing. We were both just looking at the screen, not trusting our surprised eyes.
Some time passed until she finally started talking. Rather quiet first but louder afterwards.
"Wow. That is an incredible result! Congratulations!" She shook my hand with a big smile on her face.
Still not realizing what was going on, I answerd: "Thanks... What... How..."
She seemed amused about my derpy reaction while she signed a paper and handed it to me.
I read the printed text on it.
'The result of your "Ability Potential Test" has been calculated successfully. '
Then there was a text about how the test worked exactly which I didn't read too carefully.
Underneath had been printed "Your result:_____" and Mrs Austins had written "5" on it.
She pointed at the paper.
"Please sign this here. "
I checked for hidden texts on the paper. I didn't want to sign this and agree to anything weird without noticing.
After confirming that it was fine, I signed and handed it back to mrs Austins.
" Thank you, I'll copy this, please wait here."
She left the room again.
It took me a few seconds to realize what had just happened.
Then, I started to react. I jumped up and squeaked around like a crazy mouse on drugs, then I ran around in circles only to finally fall back on my chair with a big smile on my face.
I was breathing heavily while saying "Yay!" again and again.
I probably looked like I was going crazy.
It took me some time to calm down again but there was still a big grin on my face.
I felt so relieved.
Fantasies about what I could train myself to do started cycling through my mind.
Then, finally, I realized something else.
I remembered Ty telling me that I'd need to be strong to pe part of the AG team investigating my parents' death.
With this potential, I had the chance to become this strong. I could find my parents' murderer and bring them to justice.
Of course my sense of justice was a bit off at the moment so bringing them to justice basically meant beating the crap out of them.
I would have to train a lot to become strong enough, which was fine with me.
I had dreamt about being a strong fighter my whole life. Now I had the chance to become that.
"I'll have to ask Ty how and when I can learn fighting stuff... ", I mumbled to myself while scratching my head.
The door opened and Mrs Austins entered the room with a copy of the paper.
She handed me the original with a polite smile on her face.
"Congratulations. Please take this with you and show it to whoever is going to help you with the second test, this way they will know how intense the outcome of their test might be."
I nodded, smiled in an excited way and took the paper while standing up. "Thank you Mrs Austins."
She smiled back. "Do you know where you need to go next?"
I tried to remember. "I think it's... Room 014...? In Section 002?"
She nodded." That's correct. Well then, good luck with the other test! "
I thanked her again and left the room while a big, happy grin took place on my face.
The door closed behind me and, silly as I was, I forgot that Alec was here too. So, once again, I jumped around a bit while squeaking in a weird but happy way.
I stopped immediately as soon as I heard Alec chuckling.
"Ally you idiot. " I thought to myself while my face's shade was imitating a tomato.
" Good result, huh? ", Alec laughed while walking towards me.
Embarrassed, I looked at the ground.
" Well... Yes... "
I handed him the paper.
Even more silence.
Very silent silence.
I looked at him.
He looked at me.
He seemed quite surprised.
Finally he found his voice again.
" Wow! That's amazing!"
He pulled me into a tight hug which I didn't expect so I had no idea how to react.
I just awkwardly held onto him while realizing that he smelled really nice.
When he saw my surprised face he started laughing and tousled my (now very messy) brown hair.
I blushed again and couldn't help but notice how cute his eyes looked when he smiled.
Quickly, I shook my head, trying to stop thinking about such things.
"Bad Ally! Stop! ", I demanded in my thoughts.
" What number do you have? ", I asked carefully, not looking directly at him.
He chuckled."2.5. Luckily my abilities are based on me being able to fight physically so that makes up for it."
I smiled a bit.
" What kind of abilities do you have? "
I wondered why I hadn't asked that earlier.
Alec looked excited about me asking that.
" I am able to control machines and any kind of technical device. When I'm fighting, I wear armor made of machine parts which I can activate to form different things. A shield for example. "
While explaining he gestured around a little which made me realize that his arms were actually quite muscular. That was probably explained by him being a physical fighter.
His abilities seemed really impressive and extremely useful for basically anything.
"That's so cool! And you can just do that anywhere and anytime? "
My blue eyes were widened in surprise.
He smiled gently." Yes. That's the amazing part about abilities. They are always with you. "
I couldn't help but smile back and I looked away, my gaze meeting a clock on the wall.
I had to go to the second test.
Alec noticed what I was looking at.
"It's time for your next test, isn't it? I'll bring you there... Only if you want my company of course." He grinned in a friendly way.
Now it was my time to chuckle.
"Yes, please lead the way. I don't want to get lost again.... "
My orientation was still horrible as ever.
Alec's grin became wider as he started walking.
"Well I wouldn't want you to get lost... This way!"

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