Chapter 32

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Ty, Kheen and Trixi spent the whole evening to explain every single fight to me and Alec. Kheen, who was still sitting on Ty's lap, complained about sloth-like creatures which apparently smelled very bad.
I listened to all of their fascinating little stories and just couldn't get enough.
Trixi grinned as she explained how she had saved a few people that had been under attack: "You should have seen their faces when I arrived... I'm pretty sure they thought I was a demon trying to murder them."
I chuckled at the thought of people hiding from whoever was trying to help them.
Ty, calm as ever, looked at Trixi. "Well you have giant wings, red eyes and you fight with black flames... Considering that it is pretty obvious why they thought that."
I knew about that. Once, while we were training, I had asked the black haired girl to show me how her abilities worked which she gladly did.
It only took her few seconds to transform into what actually looked very much like a creature from hell.
Her red eyes had started glowing like living flames, massive black leathery wings had grown out of her back, enabling her to fly around at an unexpected speed and her fingernails and teeth had grown to terrifying, razor-sharp weapons.
All in all it looked awesome.
Right now her eyes weren't glowing and her wings were hidden in her back.
She simply stuck her tounge out at Ty who ignored her. He was busy keeping Kheen in a somewhat respectable position. The boy was sitting back way too far for Ty's liking.
I grinned at the sight of them and exchanged a glance with Trixi, knowing we were both thinking the same thing.
I ship it.
Alec, who had been sitting silently beside me for the last few minutes suddenly started talking.
"Hey Ally, isn't there something you wanted to say? ", he smiled and winked at me which resulted in me blushing very much.
Now everyone was looking at me, expecting an answer.
I took a deep breath.
"Well... I um..." before I could even form a complete sentence I was interrupted by Kheen.
"Are you pregnant?!"
What on earth was he talking about. I just looked very confused but grinned as soon as Trixi slapped him for that.
She shook her head. "No she isn't, let Ally finish her sentence!"
Kheen just laughed while Ty buried his head in between Kheen's shoulders with a disappointed noise.
I coughed. "Thanks Trixi. I just wanted to tell you that I managed to start my abilities..."
I looked down while everyone became silent.
Out of the corner of an eye I saw that Alec had a proud smile on his face.
Finally Kheen started talking in a manner as eloquent as my own. "Wha?"
I chuckled a bit and explained what had happened in the forest earlier. Nobody said a word while I was talking. I noticed that Ty was especially interested.
As soon as I told them about the tree almost falling on my head Kheen started laughing, Trixi and Alec looked concerned and Ty... He just looked the way he always looked while shaking a bit because of the laughing boy sitting on Ty's legs.
"Are you hurt? Did the tree hit you anywhere?"
Trixi looked at my body, searching for wounds.
I shook my head. "No, I'm fine. Just a few scratches, I avoided the large branches."
The girl relaxed a bit. "Alright...please be careful in the future."
I nodded."Alec told me that already, I'll try not to murder innocent trees in the future."
Trixi chuckled while Kheen almost fell down because he was laughing so hard.
Ty instinctively wrapped an arm around Kheen's chest, keeping him in place. I could have sworn that I noticed a little blush on the white haired boy's cheeks... Cute.
Kheen simply leaned against him and finally calmed down a bit.
"You alright?", Trixi asked with a grin.
Kheen took a deep breath and nodded. "Yeah. I just imagined you dancing around with your light and knocking over trees everywhere. That was really amusing to me..."
I snorted. "Yes, I noticed that."
Finally Ty raised his voice again.
"So you were outside in the sunlight and then you were able to use your ability. I've read about cases where guards had to charge their powers by being around whatever they were able to control. That might be something to look into as soon as you are done laughing, Kheen... "
That made a lot of sense. And it explained why I hadn't been able to start my light until now. It was like a motor which obviously required oil to work.
Ty wasn't only strong, he was really intelligent. I had noticed that over the last few weeks. It seemed like he was always calculating everything and anticipating every possible outcome of whichever situation he was in. It was really impressive.
It was getting late now so Trixi and I decided to go to our room. I smiled. I was so excited to show her what I had prepared. I hoped she would like it.
While Kheen was complaining about having to read about what Ty had explained, Trixi and I left, along with Alec who accompanied us for a part of the way.
We wished him a good night and both of us went up the stairs to our room.
Trixi opened the door and I stood back, awaiting her reaction.
She walked into the room and looked around.
"Did.. Did you prepare this?"
She looked at the balloons and the welcome back signs.
I smiled and nodded.
Trixi turned around and simply hugged me.
"Thank you so much, this is really really cute! I love it!"
I returned the hug excitedly. "I'm glad you like it. I just wanted to show you that I missed you..."
She looked around as if she wasn't able to believe that someone would really do this for her.
"Thank you. This is amazing." She spotted the box of cookies.
"Oh my god! Cookies! This is perfect!"
She let go of me and stormed towards the delicious snacks.
We spent the rest of the evening eating and talking about whatever came to our mind until we couldn't keep our eyes open anymore.
Then we both fell into a deep, refreshing sleep.

At least I thought so.

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