Chapter 27

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The next days flew by quickly for they were always structured and fully planned, I barely had time to think about anything that could drag me down.
By now it was normal for my muscles to ache every now and then since I basically trained every day. Although I followed Trixi's advice to not push myself too far over my limits I still worked as hard as possible.
Not only did I train physically, I also learned what I still had to catch up on whenever I had time to do so.
Biology I understood by now, it hadn't been to hard to get what the books explained. It just took a lot of time to learn since I needed to remember every detail. But it was quite fun so I gladly spent my time on that.
Math however... I wasn't to good at that. I was surprised that Alec wasn't annoyed yet considering how many times I had asked him to help me by now...
There was one extremely interesting class. It was called AG History and was about how ability guards came to be.
Our teacher, a woman called Mrs Spring, explained that being an ability guard could not be inherited. It had something to do with where your soul came from. She said that having abilities descended from gods, angels, demons, devils and similar creatures. That sounded quite cheesy and more like some silly myth. When I first heard it I thought she was joking. Since I had never heard about these kinds of creatures really existing and making freaky special souls for humans I didn't believe what she said. I thought it was some kind of weird religion class. When I asked Trixi about this later she told me that I had never learned about these things in normal schools since humans without abilities would feel unappreciated otherwise. Which was basically equal to her confirming that what Mrs Spring had explained was real. That was something I would have to do a little research on to fully understand it.

However, the best classes were the ones Mr Lambert taught. By now I had learned about so many different types of monsters, I even knew how I could have defeated the rat-thingy that had chased me before.
When I told Kheen about this accident he promised to hunt that monster with me to get revenge.
Fighting class, the other class Mr Lambert held, was just as fascinating. I still was not allowed to fight with weapons (at least not there, he didn't know about Trixi and me training) but he complimented my quick progress considering my stamina.
At some point the teacher stopped making me run around like a maniac and started teaching me some close combat moves. He was impressed by how well I delt with those and I didn't dare to tell him that Ty had already trained these with me.
The strong, white haired boy was a very strict trainer. That wasn't bad of course. But it was extremely exhausting.
His way of teaching close combat always resulted in me having bruises and scratches everywhere. Mostly because whenever he had explained a new exercise or move he made me try it on him. If I didn't manage to attack strong enough to get through his light defense, he just blocked it with ease and attacked back. I noticed that he was definitely holding back his strength.
Thanks to this style of training I was even better at observing how and why different moves worked. Sometimes I even got them right on the first try and I could see something like... admiration in Ty's eyes.
I also found out that if I blocked the attacks following failed trys of mine, he let me try again without throwing me around like a little doll.
Training with him made me notice just how strong he really was. It was obvious that he did not rely much on his abilities but rather on his strength.
Although his training was difficult I still gave it all my strength which paid off. Ty did not seem disappointed which already meant a lot to me.
Trixi's training was very different.
She was a patient trainer explaining everything again and again until I understood it perfectly. She had a different position than Ty. While he was more like a strict teacher that commanded me around, Trixi was more like a friend helping me out. Both had upsides and downsides.
Since the girl had asked me with which weapon I felt the most comfortable after I held most of them for a short time, we started training with daggers, knifes and swords such as katanas.
Of course when training moves with them I was just using training blades made out of wood which were heavier than the actual weapons. Trixi didn't want me to be endangered by my own weapons.
When throwing knifes I used real ones since they came nowhere near me.
According to Trixi I was a quick learner. Her teaching me was quite fun actually.
I wasn't as quick at learning to use my abilities.
Kheen tried his best to explain how to even 'start' them. But no matter how often I tried it just didn't work. I was supposed to fully concentrate on my abilities until I felt the feeling I had felt when my powers had been tested.
I never really felt it for a few training sessions.
We were focusing on my light first since it was kind of similar to the black haired boy's powers which he just loved to show off every time I failed to get mine to work.
After about 3 training sessions I finally felt an extremely weak version of the feeling I was looking for. As I got excited about it... It disappeared. Of course.
Kheem had a hard time holding back his laughter at my sulky face.

I'd been here only for a few weeks now and this place felt like... Like home. I felt accepted. I actually had people who wanted to talk to me. And I promised to myself that I would never let this go.

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