Chapter 29

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Today was sunday.
After all the time that had passed I was still waiting for the translations Nirm wanted to give us. He had given us a few letters which said nothing relevant as far as we could tell.
One of them was a shopping list.
I wondered why that would be put in a safe with the other letters.
Ty, Kheen and Trixi would be coming back today which I was super excited about.
I had decorated Trixi's and my room with 'welcome back' banners and balloons this morning to show her how much I'd missed her. She had become kinda like a big sister to me and I wanted her to know how much I appreciated her.
Since there were still a few hours to spend until they would finally return I decided to ask Mrs May for Nirm's room number and check if he had finished more translations yet.
I looked around our room one more time before leaving through the door.
The beds were made,(a balloon was tied to the top of hers), everything was cleaned, the window was open to let in the spring air which smelled like freshly mowed grass since the headmaster had taken care of the lawn today, a big 'welcome back' banner hung in the middle of the room and most importantly a box of cookies stood on the table.
With a proud smile I closed the door behind me.
As I whistled the melody of a song I had stuck in my head since the evening before, I walked downstairs.
The sun was shining today so the hallway our room was on was beautifully illuminated with warm light which added to my already happy mood.
I walked down the stairs, always taking two steps and jumping down the last few until I reached the end and went to the counter Mrs May was sitting behind as always.
She saw me coming and smiled her usual welcoming smile. "Hello Alysia! You seem quite happy today! How can I help you?"
I nodded with a smile at her first sentence. "I wanted to know if you could tell me the room Nirm lives in. I plan to ask him about something."
The woman searched through a folder until she found what she was looking for.
"Wait.... I'll check.... Ah! There it is! Room 069!"
I couldn't hide a little grin.
"Thank you Mrs May! " I was jogging up the stairs before she could even answer.
I was far too motivated today.
Really Ally? Jogging up stairs? What is wrong with you, where did your laziness go?
I guessed that Nirm's room was on the same level as Ty's or Kheen's room (I hadn't found out who it belonged to yet) so I knew how far up I had to go.
After reaching the level I wanted to, I left the stairs and walked down the hallway which was just as bright es the one on the other side of the building.
I was correct. His room was on this level. There was just a minor problem.
"Huh. ", I mumbled as I looked at the brick wall with door sign 069 on it in front of me.
Well. This was confusing.
I looked around a bit. Maybe I had missed the door or something.
After checking the level above this one and pretty much everywhere around the doorsign I stood in front of the brick wall again, repeating my incredibly intelligent comment from before. "Huh."
I hesitantly got closer too the solid rock in front of me. Then I knocked against it.
" Ouch! "
I looked at my slightly bleeding knuckles.
Yes Ally. Knock against an abrasive brick wall. Very smart. Good job.
I silently complained about the aching scratches as someone poked my shoulder.
A surprised screech left my mouth as I turned around quickly, my hair fluttering into my face.
In a panic I wiped the long, tousled strads away to see who was there.
Nirm simply raised an eyebrow while waiting for me to get my hair sorted.
As always I blushed as embarrassment replaced my panic.
"Um. Hi Nirm."
The boy simply nodded.
Very talkative.
"I...Uh...I wanted to ask you how the translations are going... "
How had he been able to creep up on me like that?
" I'm working on a longer Text right now but I'll be done soon. "
I smiled awkwardly and thanked him to which, again, he responded with a nod.
" By the way. Where is your room? Because there is no door here and I'm just really confused right now. "
A slight smile appeared on the blond boy's lips." I don't need a door. "
I looked at the wall behind me, still searching for any sort of lock or handle.
" But how do you get inside? "
I heard no answer so I turned back towards Nirm.
Or at least to where he had been standing a second ago.
Now he was just gone.
" Okay than... Good talk. ", I mumbled to myself.
Again there was no answer.
I assumed that he was gone.
Still utterly confused I left the hallway and went down the stairs.
I decided to go outside to the place Trixi had shown me shortly after I arrived. After my nightmare...
Over the last weeks I hadn't dreamt anything. Or at least I didn't remember any of it. I was happy about that.
Today the forest was very animated. Birds were singing, flowers were blooming... On days like these I loved going outside.
I walked through bushes and passed Trees until I reached the opening I knew so well by now. I sat down on a mossy log on the ground and closed my eyes.
Then I concentrated on the warmth of the sun I felt on my skin. I concentrated on the light that shone through my closed eyelids.
And after what felt like forever, I felt like the light shining on me was a part of me. I felt it running through me, warming my whole body. I felt it like energy pumping through my veins making me feel so alive. The happiness I had felt earlier returned but now it was even stronger than before.
I smiled.
Then I opened my eyes.

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