Chapter 30

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I opened my eyes.
Everything was bright.
The trees, the grass, the bushes and everything around me was shone on pleasantly by a source that I noticed a second later.
It was me.
I looked down on my body and my eyes grew wider in awe.
I was glowing.
Once again, my first comment was eloquent as always: "Huh."
I moved my arms around, hypnotized by the light's beauty.
Then realization hit me.
I did it.
I had somehow started my abilities.
Still surprised I started laughing as I shook around my arms like a lunatic.
Little waves of light left them every now and then and flew through the air.
I almost fell down as my arms weren't really helping my balance and I held on to a branch near me.
Light immediately started spreading through it around my hand. I let go, afraid of destroying the Tree.
As soon as my hand lost contact with the wood, the light inside the branch started to fade.
I ran around the opening for a while, giggling, poking trees and spreading little light sources everywhere for a few seconds. I felt like a little child. But at least I was a happy little child.
Finally after I had calmed down a bit I stopped and just shouted: "Yay!" while dramatically throwing my arms to the sides.
I hadn't thought that the light would react to that.
Unfortunately it did.
Spears of light flew to each side, shreddering through a few bushes before going out.
I had even hit a thin tree on the right which groaned and started bending towards me. The wood was cracking.
As fear hit me I noticed that I stopped glowing.
But that wasn't very important to me since I was running away from the tree which was now about to fall on my head.
I jumped out of the way and rolled over my shoulder just out of reach of the bigger branches.
Right now I was really happy about Ty teaching me a few things about falling and rolling.
A few tiny branches still hit me but they just left tiny scratches which I was used to anyway.
I sat on the ground, staring at the fallen tree in front of me.
Then I started to giggle once again, partially out of shock but mostly because I was just happy about my abilities.
Kheen would be so excited when he'd hear this!
Thinking about him reminded me to check the time.
The others would arrive in about 20 minutes!
While playing around with my light I hadn't noticed how quickly time had passed.
I went back through the forest and towards the main building and noticed how exhausted I felt.
My legs were weak and my hands were shaking.
I supposed that that was because of me using my abilities for this long.
Due to these circumstances it took me about ten minutes to get to the place where people who went on missions arrived.
It was a big area at the back of the school with enormous garages everywhere. Streets led towards it, enabling cars, busses and so on to stop directly in front of the school. There were even landing roads for little planes although I had never seen any around.
I was clearly not the only one awaiting the return of the group on the mission.
Students of all ages stood everywhere babbling around excitedly.
Ty, Kheen and Trixi weren't the only people on this mission. A few other of the school's fighters had gone with them.
I looked for familiar faces in the crowd and found Alec leaning against a wall. Carefully avoiding the elbow of a wildly gesturing girl I made my way through the students until I finally arrived next to the tall boy.
He smiled as he saw me approaching.
"Hey, Ally! I was worried where you were!"
He had to talk loud for me to understand him since there were so many people talking.
"Hi! Sorry for being so late... But I have a good excuse! "
I leaned onto the wall next to him to relax my weak legs a bit.
Alec chuckled."Oh?"
I explained what had happened in the forest. I left out minor details like me shaking my arms around like an idiot so I didn't seem as weird as I normally did...
His expression changed from excited to worried as I talked about the Tree almost aggressively cuddling the back of my head.
"Are you alright? Did you get hit?" he inspected me, looking for injuries.
I shook my head and smiled in a calming way.
"No, don't worry. I'm okay"
He took a deep breath and looked into my eyes.
"Are you sure?"
I felt my cheeks heating up and looked away. It was really nice of him to care so much about me.
"I'm fine, really."
I heard him sigh in relief. "Okay good. Please be careful from now on..."
I looked at him again. He was scratching the back of his head and his eyes were directed at the cobblestone we were standing on.
Wait what? What are you thinking, Ally? Stop!Bad!
"Okay, I'll try not to murder any innocent trees from now on..."
Alec grinned and nodded. "Thank you."
I checked the time. The others should arrive any minute.
Trixi had told me that the mission was about helping a city which was overrun with monsters.
The team was supposed to get rid of them or to chase them away.
I hoped none of them were harmed.
With every second we had to wait I became more and more nervous. I started tapping my foot on the ground.
Out of the corner of an eye saw Alec looking at me which didn't really help calm me down.
I heard that he was smiling as soon as he started talking. "Hey, relax. It's okay. The busses never arrive at the predicted time. They will be fine. Do you really think someone like Kheen would let anyone harm him or Ty? That's just under his level. Same with Trixi."
I chuckled quietly. Alec's words really managed to calm me down a bit.
Just as I was about to thank him, I heard excited shouts from the crowd.
"They're here! "

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