Chapter 18

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Ally's point of view :
After Alec left I went into the comfortable looking room with the green walls.
I looked around. A few students were sitting here and there and their quiet conversations filled the room with a warm, cozy atmosphere.
None of them seemed to notice my quiet entrance so I kept looking for familiar faces.
I hadn't seen any of them yet, at least not long enough to remember, so I sat down on a big blue pillow which was a bit distanced from the rest.
I felt exhausted and needed some time alone.
Even though I really enjoyed Alec's and the other's company, I still loved being on my own.
I closed my eyes, letting everything I had experienced within the last few hours roam through my brain.
Excitement flooded through me as I thought about the opportunities I'd have thanks to my potential and abilities.
But as soon as I thought about what I'd use them for soon, my mind got darker and darker.
I had planned to become stronger and use these abilities to find the murderer of my parents. That was my one great motivation. Everything I'd fight for.
Thinking about their death was a bad idea. Pictures of the horrible scene in the kitchen flashed before my eyes.
I shook my head, trying to get them to leave. I needed to concentrate on something else.
I started reading the information Trixi had given me.

Ty's point of view :
Kheen and I were following the drops of blood, leading to a room with a wooden door. A puddle of the red liquid was in front of it, the edges already dried. This seemed to be the kitchen.
Alec and Trixi were searching for clues upstairs. We'd meet them as soon as everyone was done looking for anything suspicious.
Kheen simply jumped over the bloody floor and landed on a dry spot in front of the door handle. He pushed it down and opened the squeaking door.
"Wow. That sure is messy. Good luck to us with finding anything in here without getting our clothes bloody. ", Kheen mumbled playfully grumpy.
As he carefully entered the room, I saw what he was talking about. The whole floor was red, most of the blood dried by now. Some patches were still liquid though.
The bodies had been removed already. Ethan had sent out a group to take care of that as soon as Alysia had arrived at our school.
It was still obvious where they had died.
I entered the room after Kheen, trying not to step in the remaining blood. That could destroy important hints after all.
"There were no footprints leading out of this room and the windows are clean. Whoever did this was as careful as you are not to get their clothes dirty. ", I stated calmly as I scanned the room.
Kheen rolled his eyes, unable to hide a little grin.
" Hey, I just like my clothes and it takes forever to get bloodstains out of them okay? "
I knew he wasn't really offended by the way his eyes sparkled with amusement.
I simply nodded, looking for anything where the murderer might not have been careful.
The killer must have been a professional, taking care of hiding every detail about themselves while brutally murdering two people.
After a few minutes, Kheen and I had seen everything there was to be seen. We left the kitchen again.
The black-haired boy pointed at a door which was most likely leading to the living room.
"I'll check there and you'll check the other side alright? "
I nodded and watched him go through the heavy door.
For some reason I didn't like seeing him go somewhere on his own. I felt like I needed to go after him. Why did I feel this way? It irritated me.
Of course I trusted him to be able to handle everything alone. I knew what he was capable of.
A sigh left my lips while I entered the door on the opposite side.
This looked like a dining room. There was a big, wooden table in the middle, surrounded by chairs made of the same material. Rotting flowers were arranged in a vase standing in the middle of the table. This feature added to the cold, dead atmosphere drenching the house.
I scanned the room for anything suspicious, remembering every detail immediately.
After I was done with that, I walked towards another door out of the room.
The floor squeaked underneath my feet as I opened it. I turned around to look at the dining room once more, making sure that I didn't miss anything.
As I turned back towards the door, I was hit by something stumbling in my direction. Or rather someone.
Thanks to my quick reflexes I caught Kheen without a problem.
"Hi. "
A slight blush showed up on my cheeks.
The boy looked up at my face apologetically." Oh. Hi Ty. Sorry... I didn't see that step..."
He had always been a little bit clumsy. I found it to be very cute but I'd never tell him that.
"No problem. Please be careful. "
Suddenly I heard someone laughing behind Kheen. Trixi. Of course.
I sent a death glare in her direction which she completely ignored while still grinning widely.
I felt Kheen chuckling in my arms and carefully let him go.
He winked at me, unable to be seen by the girl behind him, and turned around afterwards.
For some reason my heart was pounding faster than it had been before.
"Are you done upstairs? ", I asked Trixi. What else would she be doing here?
" Yeah. There was not much to see up there. Watching you two was far more interesting. Now. Let's go downstairs and find that stupid safe. It smells weird here, I want to leave soon. "
Rolling my eyes at her comment, I nodded.
"Let's go. "
Kheen grabbed my arm, pulling me towards the staircase leading to the basement.
The other two followed us into the dark, dusty section of the house.
We found the safe with ease. It was hidden inside a book shelf, painted as if it were the backs of a few books.
Alec opened it with the swipe of a finger.
Kheen sighed at the sight of what was inside. "Well. That's just great."

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