Chapter 31

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Trixi's Point of View :
I yawned.
Light was shining through my closed eyelids. It was too bright. And too loud...
"Trixi. ", a calm male voice said my name.
I didn't respond, hoping he would let me sleep more.
A loud mix of voices could be heard in the distance. Could someone tell them to shut up? I wanted to sleep...
"Trixi. I know that you're awake, your acting skills are not very convincing. "
I groaned.
"Why is it so loud? What's going on? Can't a girl just kill a few mosters and sleep for a while?"
I slowly opened my eyes. I was in the bus with which we went on the mission.
Ty was sitting next to me with a mildly concerned expression. "We are home."
At least his deep voice wasn't annoying.
I sat there for a second with a derpy expression.
We were home?
Realisation suddenly hit me in the face like a baseball bat."We're back? Why didn't you tell me earlier? Oh my god I missed this place so much, have you seen Ally yet?"
By now I was jumping around like a maniac.
Ty seemed more and more concerned.
"You were sleeping... "
I just shook my head offended." Excuses, excuses!"
I ran to the window and pressed my face against it.
Ty was sitting in the background. He was looking at me like I was going insane. Nonsense.
I looked outside. There she was!
Ally stood behind a crowd of waving students, leaning against a wall next to Alec. They looked so cute together.
I started waving in excitement and hit Kheen who had just taken place next to me in the face.
"Ouch. "
I looked at him."Oh hi Kheen! Look, there's Ally! Next to Alec!"
Kheen grinned. "Yeah... I already noticed that before you punched me."
I raised an eyebrow. "I just hit you, I didn't punch you, you wuss!"
Kheen chuckled and shook his head.
Finally the bus stopped and I jumped towards the exit over a few seats.
"Hey, be careful with your shoulder!"
I turned around to Mr Lambert who sat in the back of the bus. My shoulder?
I looked at it. A bandage covered my whole upper arm including the shoulder.
I remembered. One of these stupid flying ants had scratched my shoulder...
I burnt it down as revenge of course.
Those things were smelly when they were set on fire...
I just ignored Mr Lambert's warning and jumped out of the bus.

Ally's point of view :
I saw Trixi jumping out of the bus and immediately started running towards her while rudely ignoring Alec who was just about to say something. She had just reached the ground and I ran into her arms.
"Trixi! Hey! I missed you so much, how did it go? Are you okay? Did everything go well?"
She stumbled around laughing, trying to keep her balance while hugging me.
"Hey Ally! I missed you too! And yes, I'm fine, it went pretty well. I'll tell you about it in a minute!"
And she did. After I hugged Kheen and greeted Ty we all went inside and sat down in the comfortable room where I met Alec for the first time. Then they told me about their adventure.
"The way there took forever.We got stuck in traffic and Lambert didn't allow us to pick up the bus and fly because apparently it was too dangerous. ", Kheen snorted.
I raised an eyebrow. "You wanted to pick up a bus?"
Kheen just looked at me. "Yeah. We do that sometimes when we dont want to wait."
My eyebrow rose further. "That sure seems like the obvious choice. I mean... Throwing around busses just seems like a normal thing to do. Great hobby."
Kheen seemed to realize that I was being sarcastic. Then it looked like he remembered that I wasn't really used to such things.
Meanwhile Trixi was laughing her butt off in the background.
Ty just shook his head and continued the story.
"When we reached the town we were greeted by a few mosters which made the situation quite obvious. So we fought our way through them to the town hall where we found the mayor. "
Trixi who was still giggling interrupted :" He was hiding underneath his couch."
Remembering this, Kheen started laughing as well. "You should have seen his face. Glorious!"
I smiled. I had really missed these guys.
Alec who sat beside me asked: "Wasn't he the one calling for help?"
Trixi nodded. "Yes. I guess he didn't think anyone noticed."
Ty who had been rudely interrupted coughed. "May I continue?"
He seemed pleased. "Thank you. We asked the mayor for further information and he told us everything we needed to know. We then started to think of a plan how to defend the inhabitants who were all barricaded inside their homes.
We chose to clear the city from one side to another with as few breaks in between as possible so the creatures would not have time to spread further again. It took one whole day to finish this."
Once again he was interrupted by Kheen for which the black haired boy recieved a very scary glance.
"Yea these creatures were tough. Especially the Lupidracy. They are soooo annoying! One of them threw me against a building which wasn't really polite. And-"
Ty coughed again.
Kheen stopped and looked at him with a big grin on his face.
For a few seconds they just kept eye contact and nobody dared to move. It seemed as if they were talking to each other without anyone else being able to hear it.
Now kiss. I grinned at that thought.
Kheen stepped in front of Ty and looked at him with an even wider grin and Trixi just started giggling again. Ty's face seemed like it screamed 'oh god no, please stop Kheen.'
Kheen just sat down on Ty's lap and looked at us with a proud smile.
The combination of Kherns proud face and Ty's annoyed face was amazing and me and Trixi burst out laughing.
I had really missed these idiots.

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