Chapter 6

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"Never make me your enemy."
I was pretty sure that Kheen could be just as intimidating as Ty.
"I'll keep that in mind", I mumbled shyly.
Kheen laughed and tousled my hair.
"You're kinda cute when you are scared."
I blushed. "Thanks..?" I had no idea how I should react but I was relieved that he wasn't trying to be creepy anymore.
He chuckled. "Come on, I'll show you the apartments."
We had to cross the schoolyard again to reach a big house which looked like it had been split in two parts.
"The right side is for the girls, the left side is for the boys. There are also some rooms in between but you need to ask especially for one if you want that.", Kheen explained, opening the door.
Inside, there was a small foyer with a nice looking lady sitting behind a desk.
"Hello Kheneon. And I assume she must be our new member?"
Kheen nodded. "Yeah, thats Ally."
A bit confused I looked at the lady." Kheneon?"
Kheen seemed a little annoyed. "Thats my name, Kheen is my nickname. But please don't ever call me Kheneon. I really don't like it."
His eyes seemed a little darker then normal.
"Okie dokie", I quickly answered. I guessed that he didn't want to talk about him disliking the name in fron of the lady so I didn't ask more.

"So Ally.... ", the lady behind the counter looked through her documents before handing me a few papers, "This is your timetable and these are a few documents I need you to sign." She had a warm smile. "Oh, I almost forgot to introduce myself. I am Mrs May, the one responsible here for the housekeeping. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me anytime."
She had something extremely positive about her, it just made me smile." Thank you, Mrs May!"
I read through the documents and signed them afterwards. They were mostly about security things and basic rules of this school and one was for information about me. I handed them back to her.
After looking through them, she nodded."So your complete name is Alysia Krey. Great, Alysia. I heard that you'll need a room to stay in?", Mrs May asked, tilting her head a bit which made her blonde hair fall slightly into her face.
My smile disappeared again as I thought about the reason behind my new home.
"Yes... That would be great.", I mumbled with a sore throat.
Mrs May looked worried. "I'm so sorry for what happened dear.... We will do our best to find the responsible person."
A sad smile covered my face." Thank you Mrs May..." Tears began to leave my eyes.
The lady left her place behind the counter and pulled me into a tight hug.
"Let's concentrate on something else, shall we?", she smiled in a comforting way.
I nodded gratefully, watching her go back behind the desk. She grabbed a key.
"There you go dear, this is the key for your room. You will share it with another girl, I'm sure you will get along well. "
I took the key. There was a sticker on it saying "042"
"Thanks, Mrs May.", I answered politely.
Mrs May explained further: "Your room is on the first floor, right side. I'm sure you'll find it with ease. Your roommate should be in the room right now actually."
I thanked her again and turned around to Kheen.
"Wanna meet your roommate now?", he asked.
Thinking about that made me nervous, I wasn't used to sharing my room. What if I and the other girl wouldn't get along to well? Kheen seemed to realize my fear.
"Calm down, it'll be fine. I think Trixi is in that room, she's cool."
Trixi. That was an interesting name.
"Okay, I hope you're right. ", I answered a little more confident.
Kheen grinned."Of course I'm right. I'm always right."
I smiled sarcastically "Alright genius."
The boy laughed."That seems like a fitting title for me.", he led me to a door. "I'll have to leave you now, boys are not allowed to enter the girls part of the house, same the other way around. Although that doesn't stop us from getting in at nighttime....", he winked at me again.
"Oookay....", I grinned. "Good to know. Thanks Kheen."
"No problem. I need to go to my training now. Have fun with your roommate!" He turned around and left.
"Yeah... Bye.", I answered quietly. My confidence shrunk as I entered the hallway to search for my room all alone.
Without really noticing it, I started singing. "I'm out on the edge and I'm screaming my name like a fool at the top of my lungs..."
Singing calmed me down. I walked past room after room.
"Sometimes when I close my eyes I pretend I'm alright but it's never enough.... "
Room 035... Room 036...
"'Cause my echo.. echo... Is the only voice coming back. My shadow... Shadow is the only friend that I have..."
Finally I reached room 042, not noticing that I was still singing until a voice behind the dark, wooden door of my future home started singing along. The door opened and a beautiful girl smiled at me.
"Hi! You must be my new roommate! It's great to meet you, I'm Trixi!"
"Hi!", I answered suddenly a lot more confident about living with her. She seemed so nice and open, I already liked her. For some reason she felt so familiar... But I was sure that I had never met her.
Her long, black hair was smoothly waving around her, making her red eyes look like they were glowing. Red eyes? Why did everyone here have so cool eyes?
I was very certain that I would remember someone like her.
She stepped inside the room. "Come inside, get comfy! You have a beautiful singing voice by the way. "
"Thanks! ", I smiled blushing again and looked around in the room.
There were two beds, one was a little messy. I assumed that she had been sleeping there. A large window made the room seem as bright as the hallway with the classrooms. In front of it were two desks, one of them full with papers and different drawing materials. A door led to what I guessed was the bathroom and a wooden wardrobe stood in the corner of the room.
Some of the walls were covered with posters of TV-Series like Sherlock or Supernatural, others were decorated with fascinating looking drawings.
All in all the room looked totally comfortable.
I pointed at the drawings. "Did you make these?"
Trixi seemed happy that I noticed them. "Yes, I love to draw!"
I was really impressed." They look awesome! I need to see how you draw pictures like them!"
A wide smile covered her face as she scratched the back of her head. "Thanks, I can show you sometime!"
She checked her watch.
"Ohh shit we are almost too late for dinner, we need to hurry! Come on, let's go!"
She grabbed my arm and pulled me along, dragging me to where I'd meet the rest of the school.

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