Chapter 24

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After eating, Trixi and I went back towards our room together. As we entered the building, Mrs May who was standing behind the counter greeted us with a happy smile.
I waved at the woman as we passed her.
While walking through the girls' corridor, Trixi kept nagging me about how slow I was because of my weak, aching legs.
"See? That's why you shouldn't overwork yourself! You are going to feel even worse tomorrow, I can tell you that much from my experience. "
I groaned."Yay..."
Truxi chuckled and her pretty hair flew around her head.
"Did you receive homework yet or did they decide to spare you for now? "
I mentally went through every class I'd had today.
"I didn't get any homework but I have to read through some books for AG Biology for now to catch up."
I didn't mind reading, even if it was for school. And since this was a fascinating topic I was actually kind of excited.
The black-haired girl seemed surprised by me not being annoyed by having to catch up.
"You seem awfully positive about that... There's gonna be a lot more for you to read soon though, so be prepared. "
She smirked and I simply nodded, looking at the room numbers of the doors we were passing.
Finally we arrived at number 42, our room.
Trixi unlocked the door and threw her schoolbag on the floor.
As she sat down on her bed, I walked towards the window and opened it. A fresh breeze started cooling down the stuffy air inside our room.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
Listening to the birds and trees outside was very calming. I leaned onto the window frame and looked outside. Until now, I had never really taken the time to check out the view from up here. I could see the trees, the grass, the main buildings... A few students were standing outside, playing volleyball in a circle. I didn't know any of them and they seemed a bit younger than me.
I heard Trixi approaching me but didn't turn around. A group of students whoose age I wasn't able to tell very well was standing underneath some of the big, beautiful trees. I looked closer. If my eyesight wasn't messing with me, one of them was Alec.
I kept watching them, feeling kinda like a stalker. Trixi was standing next to me now, watching them as well.
"Oh god. Poor Alec.", the girl sighed as she spotted the people around him.
I looked at her. "Why? What's up?"
Trixi pointed at one guy standing directly next to Alec.
"That's Marcus. He likes annoying people. And if they try to go away from him, he just walks along. He isn't really great company."
I inspected the boy. He was standing beside Alec in a way that was just over the point were it still feels comfortable to be standing, shortening the room the other boy had.
Alec didn't look very amused.

Trixi and I kept watching people outside while she was telling me what she knew about them. At some point Alec had managed to escape Marcus and he was gone now.
Trixi was just telling me about how a girl outside ran into a tree because of a frog scaring her as someone knocked.
We were both laughing because of the story and she jogged towards the door. She opened it and I looked to see who was visiting us.
The nerdy boy who Trixi had introduced as Nirm was standing there with a notebook.
A surprised sound left the other girl's lips.
"Um. Hi! "
The boy simply nodded as a greeting."I'm not finished with the translation yet but I found out a bit about the knife. I thought you might want to know about that."
He handed her the notebook and left without another word.
Trixi, who was as startled as I was, shouted "Thank you!" after him and closed the door after the missing response.
She looked at me. "Okay... That was a bit weird. But whatever. I suppose you wanna read this first?"
She held out the notebook for me to grab.
I took it, mumbling  "Thank you" and sitting down at one of the desks while Trixi watched me open it.
The first page was simply a picture of the knife, probably to remind me of it's exact structure. I knew it already, the image of the weapon was burnt into my memory.
I looked at its unusual, bent shape. The handle had decorative patterns carved into it. They had sharp edges and gave the knife a dangerous appearance.
The blade was curved upwards. One of its sides reminded me of teeth. Dangerous spikes were forming the edge. They looked like the would brutally rip through skin and muscles.
Looking at the weapon filled me with an unchained fury so I looked at the next pages. They were filled with texts written in a beautiful handwriting.
I read through them.
There had been more cases where these knifes had been found. It appeared like the killer liked to leave them behind. But there had only been very few and very mysterious, unsolved murders connected to the knife.
No evidence leading to the murderer, no way of finding out who they worked for.
The most recent case before the one I already knew had happened in Toulis, the city I'd visited when I was younger.
Before that, a young couple had been found dead in Dadena, a city which was a few hours away. Similar knifes stuck in their chests with no fingerprints on them, of course.
A few more cases were described and below them was something that really caught my attention.
'All these killings happened somewhere nearby. If there were connections between the victims they were to small to appear important. I might find out more when translating the letters you gave me. Don't tell Ethan about this notebook, he is an idiot and would draw attention to it, warning the killer.'
I wondered if there was another reason why he didn't want Ethan to know this.

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