Chapter 34

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I opened my eyes wide while breathing heavily. I could hear the pounding of my heart and I heard a loud scream.
It took me a few seconds to realize that the scream was coming out of my mouth and I stopped.
As I finally began to notice my surroundings I saw Trixi directly in front of me. She looked shocked and her hands were on my shoulders. Her lips were moving but I didn't hear what she was saying. It was as if my mind was covered with cotton, my movements were slow and my vision blurry.
I shook my head, trying to get rid of the feeling.
"-od are you alright?"
I felt a bit relieved as I heard the ending of Trixi's sentence. I assumed that the start had been oh my god.
I looked at her, my heart still racing and my hands shaking.
"I'm...I'm okay... I think."
As if it wanted to torture me, my mind started focusing on what I had just dreamt about.
I clawed into the mattress and my whole body started shivering.
The same panic I had felt in the dream rushed through me again and I felt the need to run. I had to get out of this dark room.
Trixi looked extremely concerned. "What happened? Nightmare?"
I nodded. "Yes. One hell of a nightmare."
Run. Get out of here. My mind was yelling at me banishing every other thought.
Before the other girl could answer I added : "Could- um... Could we please go outside? I can't stay here right now..."
She nodded understanding, stood up and grabbed our jackets. To my surprise she opened the window.
"I'll carry you outside, the doors downstairs are locked until 4 am."
I nodded a bit nervous. I trusted her but flying down there seemed very intimidating. But I had to get out.
Trixi appeared like she noticed how badly I wanted to leave so she helped me climb out of the window.
I held onto the frame and she simply picked me up as soon as she stood outside.
"Hold on tight."
I noticed the massive wings grow out of her back, spreading into the night. At other times I would have watched in awe but right now I just couldn't. I had to go. So I wrapped my arms around her as if my life depended on it which it probably did.
"Okay. I'm ready.", I murmured with a shaking voice.
Trixi nodded. "Then I'll take us to the forest now."
Before I could answer her leathery wings started moving, lifting the two of us off the roof as if we were light as paper.
I could feel the cold wind of the night around my bare feet as we slowly rose higher. Then suddenly Trixi leaned forward and we shot into the darkness.

Kheen's point of view :
I was sitting in front of the window in my room, staring outside with a blank expression.
I wasn't able to sleep.
I just watched the trees move in the rhythm of the wind, hoping it would make me tired enough to rest a few hours. Just as I was about to close my eyes to concentrate on the silence outside I saw something move.
It was big and flew towards the trees I had just been watching.
I squeezed my eyes together hoping to identify it.
"Too small for a Lupidracus... To big for most other monsters I'd know... Trixi?", I mumbled now even more awake than before.
What was she doing?
"Well... "I told myself," I can't sleep anyway. Might as well check out what she is doing."
I just had to be careful not to be seen. Trixi did not like being watched or followed...
Then I noticed something else.
"Huh. Seems like I'm not the only one who noticed her... "

Ally's point of view :
I screamed in excitement as we shot through the sky, her wings flapping right beside my ears. It felt like all my fear and everything that happened in my dream was gone, at least for a moment. I allowed myself to smile, to feel the energy rushing through me as we flew towards the forest.
Trixi chuckled a bit as she noticed my excitement and flew a looping. I was clinging on to her with a mix of fear and extreme happiness.
It was as if the wind around us was cleaning my mind and enabling me to feel free.
After a few probably very dangerous maneuvers Trixi finally landed on a stump deep inside the forest.
I let go of her and my fingers hurt from holding on so tightly. I smiled and tumbled around a bit until I leaned onto a tree.
Trixi carefully inspected me with a gentle smile. "Are you alright?"
I nodded and my voice was slightly sore as I answered: "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you for that flight, it was amazing!"
The girl smiled a proud smile. "Anytime."
Now that we had landed my mind wasn't distracted anymore so it decided to be mean again.
As I looked at the forest around me the memories of my nightmare flooded back and my smile was washed away.
Trixi immediately noticed and walked towards me.
"Ally... Hey... Do you want to talk about the dream?"

Kheen's point of view :
I heard voices in the distance as I sneaked through the forest. Trixi and... Ally?
I assumed that my hearing was as great as ever and that I was right.
Had Trixi carried Ally along? How did I not notice that?
I kept going while avoiding anything that could make a sound loud enough for Trixi to notice.
I didn't want her to catch me following them.
Finally as I was in range of hearing what they were saying I heard Ally crying.
What's going on? Why is she crying, who do I have to murder?
They were talking about a dream of hers, a quite horrifying one if I heard right. Of course I heard right, that wasn't even a question.
Trixi hugged Ally who cried into the other girls shirt. I wanted to help...
Suddenly I remembered something quite important. I wasn't the only one who had noticed them. And the other visitor was ironically charging right at me.
"Well shit."

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