Chapter 35

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Ally's point of view :
I heard a loud crack as something flew towards me and Trixi and I turned towards it in panicked surprise.
My vision was still a bit blurry so it took me a moment to realize that it was Kheen who had been flung through branches by something I could not see.
Trixi didn't hesitate a second as she stomped towards Kheen with a terrifyingly calm expression on her beautiful face.
Kheen looked surprisingly scared.
Weren't they worried about the thing that had caused Kheen's unintended visit?
I heard distant branches breaking on the ground as something stepped on them. Neither Trixi nor Kheem seemed to mind.
The black haired girl was simply smiling down on Kheen who let out a flood of apologies immediately.
I heard her clear voice break through his words.
"What do you think you're doing Kheneon? I don't like being followed. You should know that by now..."
Kheen flinched as Trixi called him by his full name. My eyes were shifting between them and the dark forest which was faintly illuminated by the light of the moon.
I didn't know why but Kheen suddenly seemed so... Weak. And frightened. Something I didn't think I'd see ever.
He was apologizing again and again as Trixi stared him down, her red eyes glowing in the darkness.
I carefully raised my voice and she looked at me, her expression changing completely.
There was no longer the hidden fury in her eyes they were suddenly filled with care and worry.
She ignored Kheen and walked towards me. The girl did not appear dangerous or scary anymore.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."
Why was she apologizing to me instead of to Kheen? And more importantly why was no one paying attention to the thing in the forest?
For half a second my vision changed. The black forest turned red, and my feet felt heavy.
I didn't mention it, I just stood there.
Then I saw what had caused Kheen to be spotted by us.
A massive bull like head stuck out of a bush. It stared at Kheen with its yellow eyes.
I backed off. "Guys? What's that?"
I pointed at it with a shaking hand.
Kheen turned around.
"Oh. Trixi was creepy enough to make me forget about that thing."
I was a bit confused. Why wasn't he worried about this monster staring at him?
I heard Trixi chuckling beside me. "That's not a thing, it's a rambull. You'd know that if you'd pay attention in class, Kheen."
She put her hand on my shoulder in a comforting way.
"It's not really dangerous , it just likes throwing people around when they aren't looking."
I raised an eyebrow and inspected the creature which was stepping out of the bush towards us.
It reminded me of a buffalo since it had a similar plate on it's forehead, to tackle people around I assumed. It did not really appear much less threatening to me after Trixi had explained its strange hobby.
It looked at me for a few seconds before lowering its head to eat grass. Naturally, I was mildly concerned.
Kheen grinned. "You should see your face, Ally."
I tilted my head and looked him straight in the eyes. "And you should have seen your face when Trixi was being creepy."
Then Trixi started laughing.
Had I really just said that? It wasn't really something normal for me.
The rambull was surprised by Trixi's loud laughter and ran off into the forest with a frightened squeak.
A careful smile took place on my lips only to disappear when my head suddenly felt a piercing pain which made me flinch.
Trixi noticed my behavior immediately and inspected me.
"Are you alright, Ally?"
I softly whispered: "Yes, I'm fine" as my vision went blurry and darkness swept over me.


I woke up in a very familiar room. I had woken up here before. It felt like it had been ages ago but I remembered it clearly.
It was the room where Ty had asked me about my parents when I first arrived.
I looked around. Unlike last time there was nobody awaiting my awakening.
I sighed. Why was I here? I remembered something about Trixi and Kheen...
The faint memories seemed unreachable like they were behind thick Ice. I knew they were there but I could not get to them.
My head felt horrible.
I sat up and was surprised by how weak I was.
I clenched my teeth and managed to stand up, slowly making my way towards the door.
My unstable legs were annoying.
I almost grabbed the door handle as someone pushed it down from the other side to open the door.
Since I had concidered the door an object to lean against to not fall I stumbled forward, instinctively searching for something to hold on to.
I simply walked against the visitor. Good enough, at least I didn't fall.
Gentle arms were wrapped around me to protect me from falling and I finally realized who I had just walked into.
Alec looked down on me with a worried expression. "Hey Ally... I don't think you should be walking around yet. Are you alright?"
Too close. Help. Dont say something stupid. Ahhhhhh.
His face was way closer to mine than I had expected and my brain decided to stop working. I took all my remaining intelligence to come up with a very thoughtful answer. "Uh. What?"
He smiled gently though I could still see that he was concerned.
"Come on, you should rest a bit more."
"But- "
I didn't want to rest, I wanted to know what was going on!
" No but. Please just take time to regain your strength, I'll tell you everything that happened afterwards. I promise."
His brown eyes looked directly into mine with a begging expression I could not neglect.
I simply nodded and let him guide me towards the bed I had woken up in. I fell asleep quicker than I had expected as Alec hummed a calming melody.
Please don't leave, I thought. Don't leave me here on my own.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2017 ⏰

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