Chapter 3

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"You shot some kind of power wave and passed out."
I screamed surprised, looking up quickly to find who had answered.
A boy, I guessed he was around the age of 17, sat on a chair in a corner of the room. He had white hair which was long enough to frame his face but too short to reach his shoulders.
His eyes were bright blue, they were fascinating. The boy was wearing a white hoodie with black stripes. Not like a zebra, rather like a snow tiger.
The brightness of his clothing made his pale skin look a little more colorful.
He was quite attractive.
"Who.... Who are you?", I asked, worried that he might be dangerous.
"Call me Ty." the boy responded.
He didn't seem like the talkative type of guy.
"Okay.", I answered, still insecure. "What am I doing here, Ty?"
He raised an eyebrow. "You don't remember anything, do you?"
"No, I don't. Could you please explain more?" I needed to be as polite as possible in a situation like this. I still didn't know anything about him, except his nickname.
Ty nodded. "Okay. We were just walking along the city, eating some lunch as we saw light almost explode out of one of the outer alleyways.
Of course we wanted to check out if there was trouble. That's our job after all. So we went there and found you. You were staring at your hands. When we asked what happened, you didn't seem to hear us. So we took you here to hear what happened. "
Ty didn't look at me the whole time he was talking.
"Maybe he just thinks the ceiling is very fascinating", I thought sarcastically.
"Wait... " I mumbled, now raising my voice." Who do you mean by 'we'?"
He chuckled slightly.
"Glad my confusion is amusing you... ",  I thought, slightly annoyed.
He looked at me and simply answered :" AG team 3"
I looked at him. Was he trying to annoy me or did he just want me to ask further so the final answer would be more dramatic? I sighed.
"That doesn't really help me Ty..."
I was certain that he was going to laugh at me.
Surprisingly, he simply smiled politely and answered :" 'AG' stands for 'Ability Guards'. So 'We' are team 3 of the Ability Guards."
I stared at him, not believing what he had just told me. My very innovative answer was "What?"
He chuckled again. It seemed he was warming up a little.
I looked away, shaking my head. I didn't notice the door of the room opening and somebody entering.
"Why would the Ability Guards want to talk to me?" I was now in a constant state of confusion.
Someone started laughing. I looked back in Ty's direction. Another boy was standing next to him. He had black hair which looked extremely fluffy. His eyes seemed... I looked closer. Purple? "Huh.", I thought.
He had a big grin on his face and was looking directly at me. He seemed very self-confident.
"Well darling. You set of some crazy power wave so... The chances seemed pretty high that you would have abilities. Which could make you a threat, of course. But you don't seem very evil." He winked at me.
I was sure that I was blushing, that always happened when I didn't want it to.
"Thanks...?" I asked, not knowing how to respond to that. I couldn't think clearly. I had abilities? How? Why? Why now? I saved these questions for later.
In a moment of realization I noticed what that meant.
I could me an Ability Guard myself! I could learn to fight!
Excitement flooded through my brain, I wanted to find out what I could do! Maybe I was able to-
My thoughts were interrupted by someone clapping in front of my face.
I screamed slightly.
The dark-haired guy laughed. "Are you back?"
"Huh?" My responses kept becoming more and more intelligent.
"You didn't seem to listen. Quite rude, don't you think?", he answered amused.
"Oh! I..  Umm... I'm sorry... ", I looked down.
Ty sighed." Don't worry about it, Kheen just likes making people uncomfortable."
I guessed by 'Kheen' he meant the black-haired boy.
Kheen laughed again. "Yeah, Ty's right. Sorry darling."
Why on earth was this guy calling me darling?
" Darling? ", I asked, raising an eyebrow.
" Well... " Kheen answered,"you didn't introduce yourself yet so I don't know what else to call you..."
Ty rolled his eyes and mumbled:" You are still gonna call her that after she told you her name..."
Kheen grinned but didn't answer.
"My name is Alysia. I'm currently 16 and I have no clue what is going on."
Ty nodded. "Nice to meet you."
Kheen asked:" Can I call you Ally?"
I smiled. "Yeah."
Nobody had ever given me a nickname. It was just a small thing but it made me really happy.

"Naw, look! I made her smile!" Kheen said to Ty, looking quite proud of himself. He looked adorable.
"Quit fangirling around already!" I thought to myself quickly.
Ty chuckled. "Good job." Then his face turned serious. He looked at me.
"Now. We've got a few questions for you Ally. It would be the best for all of us if you answered them truthfully."
All of the sudden I felt very small and I wanted to hide. Ty was able to be very intimidating.
"Okay... ", I answered worried." Did I... Did I do something bad?"
Ty stood up, walking in front of me. "I don't know yet. But I'm sure I can convince you to tell me."

//Enjoy ^^//

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