Chapter 3

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I don't remember falling asleep but I remember waking up to Spirit calling me on my cell.

"Hey babe. What did you do last night?" I was a morning person but Spirit was really a morning person.

"I don't want talk about it. How about you? Why did you leave early?" I asked.

"You know things. My mom needed me at home. So why aren't you telling me?" Spirit asked. I knew she was bothered by the fact I didn't answer her. Well I wasn't telling her about Shadow or Stefan. Stefan had nothing on shadow.

"Because it's nothing serious yet." I said into the phone. Damn I thought I wasn't going to talk about it. "And I swore of guys remember?" I added right away.

"Does that mean your gay? If it's not a guy it must be a girl right?" She said. I had no clue where my crazy best friend get these ideas from.

"No it not a girl. It is a guy..." What else were I to say about Shadow or Stefan.

'Hey Essa, can we talk?' I saw the text from Stefan.

"Are you listening to me babe? Who is this guy? You should totally go for it. I believe in you." She rambled.

"Yeah yeah. Spirit I got to go. I'll talk to you later I promise." I said even though I knew she was freaking out.

"Yeah yeah babe. I'll talk to you later too. You better answer later." She said before she hung up.

'Sure.' It was a simple one word sentence. I sent it to Stefan anyways.

'Look I want to be your friend. I look forward to being your friend. Ugh I don't even know what I'm saying. I don't want to be more than that.' He texted me. Why do I feel relived about this? Its because you swore of guys I told myself. No stupid it's because you like someone else. My brain said. I'm not ready to be in a relationship I aruged.

'Perfect. I kinda swore off guys.' I texted him.

'Lots of girls usually take that the wrong way. So hey I g2g but I'll talk to you later. Okay?' I wondered what he had to do. Did he work at all like Shadow? Why am I thinking of Shadow.

'I get that, okay.' I texted back. I then debated on breakfast, texting Spirit to hang out, or going back to bed. I chose journaling

Dear diary,
Yesterday was as hard. I guess there were some good things like Stefan and Shadow. I admitted I wasn't doing well. Maybe I should tell someone other then Spirit. She seems to have a lot on her plate. Doesn't help that its only her and her mom. Her dad just recently left. Stefan wants to be my friend. I don't understand what he likes about me. Im worthless and pathetic. I don't know why I try so hard. Its because you care stupid. I couldn't leave spirit alone. Just like she refuses to leave me alone. I love her. She's my best friend.
Thank you for listening diary,


I couldn't sleep last night. I thought about Tress so much and Essa. I talked to Essa. I hope she understood I only wanted to be her friend. I couldn't do that to either of them. I'm pretty sure I was in love with Tress. How could this happen though. I need sleep, I can't think.

"Stefan! Go do your chores son!" My dad yelled up the stairs. My dad wasn't a big yeller but he could definitely be heard if he needed to. I never told anyone but my dad and I have money. Not just a little either. We lived comfortably. We never wanted people to know.

I headed outside to do my moring chores. All through high school I debated wether I was going to college or not. I decided I'd know if I wanted to when the time was right.

I started a little late this morning but that was okay. My father didn't mind. As long as the things still got done. Inside we had eggs and bacon with pancakes.

It was just my dad and I. We took turns doing house chores. My mom died when I was little so it was always dad and I.

After breakfast I went to the spot where I saw her last. I just waited there hoping she would show up again. I couldn't wait until I saw her again. I stayed hidden. She didn't show up.

I didn't know what I did the rest of the day. I guess I kinda planed how to make their spot more comfortable. I decided on a roof in case it rained or snowed. Then put boards down so instead of them sitting on the ground.

I guess I would have to ask Tress about it. I walked back to the place where I saw Tress after dinner. Surprisingly I saw her there. I didn't think I'd see her again.

"Hey, um..." That's all she said when I saw her there.

"Hey. I don't want to impose on you and your friend's spot Tress. I just was wondering if you would allow me to build you a shelter for this spot?" I said nervously.

She hesitated for a minute. I don't blame her I would too. She texted someone something. Then she smiled. I really hoped it wasn't another boy. "Yeah we would love that." She said

"Would you like to see my plans or would you want it to be a surprise?" I asked. I don't know why I had so much courage around her. She made me feel at ease around her.

"Surprise me. it was nice seeing you again Shadow." She said as she turned away. I grabed her wrist gently ,without thinking, to stop her.

"Tress, would you like to take a walk with me?" I asked her. Her eyes were watery and she just nodded.

After a long silence she spoke. It wasn't akward but it wasn't comfortable either. "I feel as if I'm wasting your time. I should go. I don't want to take up anymore of your time." Tress said.

"It's okay Tress. Sincerely it is. Please stay. So what kind of things do you like so I can add them to your clubhouse?" I asked her.

"I like the colors blue and green. I also like zoo animals. My friend, the one I alway meet here, she likes Halloween. So spooky things. Oh I also like dream chatchers." She said as her eyes lit up. I could tell she really enjoyed talking about it.

"It's kinda embarrassing but I took a design class my senior year of high school. I don't know why I'm telling you this. I guess I trust you." I confessed. I figured I would of scared her if I used the L word this early in knowing her.

"Really. I think that's awesome." She said. The more I got to know her the more I fell in love

"It's going to get dark soon. I'll walk you back to your car. Thank you for coming to visit me. I'll miss you." I said. I wanted to tell her about how I feel but I didn't know how. I've never felt this way with anyone else.

"Okay." She said. After awhile she started shivering. I didn't realize how far we walked or how cold the weather has gotten.

"May I?" I asked as I took my jaket off. She just nodded. I wrapped my jaket around her shoulders. I didn't mind the weather I was used to it. "Good night Tress." I whispered in her ear. She was blushing.

I stood there for a moment as I watched her drive away. She looked beautiful tonight. Now starting tomorrow I'm going to start working on her clubhouse

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