Chapter 9

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Author's note: if you got two updates about chapter 8. It's because it disappeared on my phone so I uploaded another chapter 8 and then the original reappeared again. So sorry about that.


I had no clue where Stefan was taking me. Honestly I don't think even he knew. I already asked him where we were going. I only got "you'll see" from him. I didn't want to ask again.

"I got a surprise for you. If you want to get out I can show you." He said. He parked at the end of the bridge. We walked halfway across the bridge when he laid out a blanket. He suggested for me to sit down as he sat down beside me. He had food in the basket that I didn't even see him carry.

"This is beautiful. You can see the stars and everything." I said. He just smiled. It was a full moon. You could really see everything

"You're the only star I see." He said. I blushed my face was red. He's said he loves me. He thinks I'm a star. Do I love him back. I don't know. I don't want to say it if I don't mean it. "You're beautiful." He added. I just blushed harder

"Thank you." I said. I meant it too. He treats me like a princess and I truly feel like one.

"So I know my cooking isn't as great as yours but at least try mine." He said. I didn't even realize he served plates. I was to busy looking at him like my prince that has come to save me. In a way I knew he might.

"This is really good. Seriously it's better than my cooking." I said. It was now his turn to blush and he was.

"I know you're lying but thank you anyway." He said. Okay maybe I was lying but I wasn't about to tell him that.

We finished eating. We put everything away. I was sad that was all there was to the night. I wish it was longer. We drove home talking about everything.

"I wish I could spend more time with you." I said disappointed.

"Just because we're heading home doesn't mean it's over. It's a surprise at home." He said mischievously. He grabbed my hand as he drove. I liked the feeling so I didn't pull away. "Follow me please." He said. I had no clue where he was taking me to.

He opened the door. It was a big building. It almost looked like a two story garage. He opened it and I could tell by the smells of it. That it was his workshop. I gasp. He never brought anyone here. Well no one that I knew of. He turned on the lights and I could see all his past projects.

"Do you like it?" He asked nervously. "I've never brought anyone here. Even my dad isn't allowed in here." He said.

"I love it. These are beautiful." I gasped. It's like seeing things made out of ice for the first time.

"There's more." He said. he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the work bench. There sitting was a box with roses craved into it. It was just stained but it was still beautiful. "It's for you. Look." He showed me how if the light hit it just right it turned blue. It was engraved.

To a beautiful woman, Tress.
To remember us by. To remember our second date.
Love, yours truly,
Your Shadow.

I just smiled. A real smile. A big smile. Wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. He hugged me back. I pulled away embarrassed. He kissed me on the cheek.

"Thank you so much it's beautiful." I said as I realized that he was still waiting for my reaction. He smiled. He had a beautiful smile.

"I'm glad you like it Tress." He said. He brought me around his workshop and explained every piece to me. Some people would see chunks of wood but to us it was his art. He had pictures of a few buildings he designed. It was truly art, his art.

"Whats this one." I asked. He looked kinda sad.

"I made this one for my mom. She passed away when I was little." He said. I just wrapped my arm around him. He walked me back to my room after he was done showing me all his work. He kissed me on the cheek. "Good night Tress. See you tomorrow." He said.

"Good night Shadow." I said then he walked away. I entered my room. Then pulled out my journal.

Dear diary,
Today was a wonderful day. I had school yes. Yes it went by slow but the best part of it was that Shadow and I went on a date. It was a really nice night. He took me to a bridge were we had food under the full moon. Then he brought me to his most special place. His workshop he brought me to. He brings no one there. I'm smiling a real smile. He always brings out the best of me. Do I love him? I'm still not sure. Yes I think I do. Would I date him? Yes I think I would. Am I ready to? No I'm not. I'm not ready to give someone my heart. Not right now at least.
Like always thank you diary for listening.


I thought about today. Did I seriously kiss her. Why can't I keep my hand off her? I love her so much. Yes, I did kiss her. It was a great kiss. I love her. I've never felt this way about anyone before. I should tell her. Maybe I should wait.

Should I tell her I'm rich? I think she'd get mad that I didn't tell her. Then again she isn't that type of woman.

I took a deep breath. My thoughts were all over the place. One thing stayed constant they were all about her.

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