Chapter 5

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"Umm... I got a text from my mom. She said she's leaving the state I have an hour to get my stuff and find a new place to live." She said crying.

"Stay here." I said. I'd love if she stayed here. "Please?" I added. No woman liked being told what to do.

"Are you sure. I don't want to impose and your father doesn't like me. I won't take advantage of you. I'll do house hold chores. Cook, clean, laundry, anything. I don't want to impose though." She said. I don't think she could make up her mind.

"It wouldn't be imposing. Stay would you. Of course. I'd pay you if you ever wanted to do farm chores too." My father said. I was honestly surpised. My father didn't like her I thought.

"I'll stay until I can find a job and have enough money saved up for an apartment. I won't stay any longer I promise. I'll be back I have to go get my stuff." She said as she left. I watched as she drove away.

"I thought you didn't like her dad?" I asked him. As we walked to the guest room to clean it out.

"I didn't. I don't but I see the way you look at each other. I can tell you haven't told her about being billionaires either." He said with a sigh.

"It's not that I want to lie to her. It's just I tell no one about that." I said. Why have I always kept it a secret? Well I haven't and I've had people only interested in my money be my friends and girls throw themselves at me. Of course I rejected them all. Eventually we moved and from then on I told no one.

"Son, I'm not stopping you from telling anyone. Someday you'll find someone you really care about and you might regret not telling them." My dad said. He had a look of pain on his face. Maybe thats what happened to him.


I returned after an hour. My mom wasn't kidding. I got to the apartment and saw all of her stuff gone. I almost broke down and cried. I didn't. I never let my mom see me weak.

We had a strained relationship. End of story. She worked nights and we avoided each other when I was home. She always wished for a son. I wasn't her son.


By the time I found Shadow's house It was dark. I walked in and smelled dinner. It smelled good but I wasn't really hungry. Eat it might help you feel better. I told myself.

Shadow greeted me at the door. "Here let me help." He said and grabbed half the bags. We carried them to the guest room also known as my room now. I set the bags down on the floor. I didn't have much. I left a lot behind just because It was too big or wasn't worth it.

My knees felt weak. I was slowly falling. Falling back into the darkness. Not just the darkness I almost fell in real life. I fell. I actually fell. I didn't hit the ground. I was engulfed into big strong arms. It must've been Shadow. I started crying.

We just sat on the ground and he held me. I felt weak. I'm stronger than this. He tried to hide the anger in his eyes. He hid it with passion. I was shocked to see both those things in his eyes.

"Shadow, why are you angry? It's because of me isn't it. You're angry at me." I said. He kissed my forehead. Then my hair. He took a deep breath.

"I'm not angry at you. I care about you. I'm angry at everyone that's hurt you. I'd never hurt you. It hurts to see you hurting. If anyone breaks you I'll break them." He said. He looked at me sincerely.

"I'm already broken." I said without thinking. We sat there for a long time I didn't feel like I had to explain myself. I knew he knew that. My stomach growled.

"Dinner is done. Let's go eat okay?" He said after a chuckle. I leaned into him as we slowly got up. Once I could tell I could walk I took a deep breath.

"I'm okay." I said he removed his arm. Oddly I missed the feeling already. We walked to the kitchen. We sat down as his father set everything on the table. It wasn't a big meal. It was just the right size.

"Thank you father." Shadow said. I sat next to Shadow. We sat across from his father.

Dinner was filled with laughs. His dad told embarrassing stories. I knew if my dad was around he would've too.

After dinner I helped clean up. "Thank you." I told his father. It was just me and him in the house. Shadow went out to his workshop to go grab something.

"You're welcome." He said.

"Sir, I plan on cooking and cleaning in the house to pay my rent. I don't have any money now. I quit my job to focus on school. I will look for a job that won't interfere with my school. Thank you for accepting me to live in your home." I said. I didn't mean it as formal it just came out that way. He just smiled.

"Well if you want to work I'll let you. I'll have my son show you around tomorrow morning." He said. We finished cleaning and I went to bed.

"Good night, sir." I said. Shadow still wasn't back. I went to my room and texted Stefan.

'Good night Stefan' I texted him. Ten seconds later he responded.

'Good night beautiful Essa' he said. I laid my phone down. I was just about to go to bed when I heard a soft knock on my door.

"Yes?" I said as I opened the door. He looked nervous.

"May I come in?" He asked. He had sawdust all over him. I didn't even care.

"Sure" I said as I opened the door so he could enter.

"I won't stay long. I made this for you." He said. It was a wooden rose. It was painted blue and green. It was beautiful. I had no words. "Do you like it?" He asked nervously.

"I love it. Its beautiful. Did you make this?" I asked. He just nodded. It took my breath away.

"I'll let you go to bed now. Good night my beautiful Tress." He said. He kissed me on the cheek.

"Good night Shadow." I said.

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