Chapter 6

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I woke up in an unknown place. I had to think about what happened yesterday. Oh yeah I'm now living with Shadow.

I checked my phone. One message from Stefan. Zero messages from Spirit, Peace, and my mom.

'Good morning beautiful, how did you sleep?' Stefan texted me. I rolled my eyes. He always called me beautiful even though he's never seen me.

'Good morning Stefan. I slept like a dead rock at the bottom of the sea. I'm drowning in this bed and I love it.' I texted. He asked so I told him.

I showered and got dress. I blow dried my hair. I didn't need to be. It'll be dry in 20 minutes because it's short. I put on a blueish greenish shirt with a navy blue skirt that had blue and green leaves on the bottom of it.

I normally didn't wear skirts very often. Today was an exception, special occasion if you will. Today is my day to fight being depressed. Today I'm going to be happy. I practice my smile for a few minutes. When I was satisfied I went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

"Good morning, sir." I said to Shadow's father. "May I make breakfast?" I asked. I wasn't sure what he wanted.

"Good morning. If you want. I'll just have coffee and my son will want scrambled eggs on the side of whatever you make." I made my way to the kitchen.

I fumbled around the kitchen settling on making French toast and scrabbled eggs. I served two plates. One for me and one for Shadow. I brought them both to the table and sat them down where we sat last night.

I had to eat quickly and alone. Shadow was still asleep or getting ready still. I quickly washed my plate and set it to dry. I said bye to Shadow's dad and had to leave for school or else I would've been late.


I walked down stairs to a meal sitting on the table for me but no Tress. I gave a questioning look.

"She said she had to finish a few assignments before school and she was going to be late if she left. She left an hour ago." He said. I was a little disappointed to say the least. I got up at 5. I texted Essa, Showered, got ready, and fell back a sleep. I was looking forward to seeing Tress. I guess I missed my chance.

"Oh okay." I sat down and ate a wonderful breakfast which my dad informed me she made. Scrambled eggs my favorite but these were better than normal scrambled eggs. "I'm going to my workshop. I'm building a clubhouse for Tress and a friend of hers. After I finish my chores of course." I said. My dad didn't stop me. He knew I liked building things. I did my chores quickly. Then I went to my workshop

I was working on the design for the clubhouse when it hit me. I could go to college to be an architect. Maybe I could but none of my designs were great. I had a building permit and everything. I've had one for a long time. I know how to wire electricity.

Once the design was finished I went to the spot to see someone there. Must be her friend.

"Why did you have to leave me for mystery guy now. It's my own fault you won't talk to me. I just didn't want to get hurt the only person I care about." She said out loud I think her name was Spirit. I remember Tress saying it.

"I don't think she left you for mystery guy. I think you left her and now you're alone." I said to her. I didn't scare her she just nodded. She didn't see me. "I'll take care of her but it doesn't mean you should leave her." I said when I could tell she wasn't going to answer me back.

"I'm now skipping school. How am I supposed to take care of her when I can't take care of myself." She said.

"She was hurt by you the other day. It means she cares about you. She feels your pain. Thats the last I'll say. I'm sorry I can't stand being around people that hurt her." I said. I didn't mean it in a mean way. I just couldn't stop myself. I turned around to leave. I was never going to get this clubhouse done.

"I'll go. I'm assuming this is your land. Thank you for letting us trespass." She left. I never saw what she looked like. I didn't care. I didn't need another girl in my life. I already have a hard time with Essa when I'm around Tress.

I took the measurements. But I needed to flatten the land. I went to the store in my Chevrolet 2017 truck. I picked up some landscaping materials. Enough so I could lay foundation down on the building. I loaded it all into the truck. It was heavy. Then I drove home. I finished laying down the foundation.

I saw Essa get home. I drove back home and started to clean up my workshop. Which would take me an hour or two.


School was a disaster. I was okay though. I smiled and smiled and I started to feeling better. I got home and decided to tell Stefan's dad that I was going to study for an hour before I started dinner. He said that I should take my time and don't rush anything important. I decided to journal for a little bit.

Dear diary,
Today was a disaster. I wore a skirt and everyone noticed. I hated the attention. I haven't seen Shadow at all today and Spirit keeps ignoring my texts. Well she keeps ignoring me in general. I wonder why she's pushing me away. Without her I feel like dying. Without Shadow or Stefan I feel unloved. Without them I don't think I'd still be here. I keep telling myself I'm going to be okay. Truthfully I know I am. I've just got a lot on my mind I guess. Doesn't help that all I want to do is sleep. I'm tired of fighting, I'm tired of living. I'll be okay. I'll fight for myself from now on. I know I can do it. Like always thank you diary for listening to my problems

I finished my homework and worked on making dinner. Shadow entered the house shortly after I started. He was covered in what now looked to be concrete.

"Dinner will be done soon." I said with an amused smile. It was the first real one all day. He just nodded. I finished dinner and set the table.

"What smells so good?" Shadow's dad asked.

"Just Tress's cooking." He said with a smile.

We all sat down and ate and mindlessly talked about our days. I enjoyed this. It's like the family I haven't had since I was little.

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