Chapter 17

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I told him about my father. It was hard. Then I remembered falling asleep after that. That was months ago. I started working on the farm after school. I had a really hard time finding a job. Some nights I have nightmares about my dad again. That it all happened all over again. Those nights I'll sneak into bed with Shadow. He doesn't seem to mind. He would always pull me close. It's been slowing down again

"I'm moving out soon. I have an apartment all set up." I announced at lunch. It was a Saturday. I knew Shadow was going to be livid. I promised his dad though. I didn't want to over stay my welcome. His father didn't say anything.

"You what!?" Shadow nearly yelled. I don't think he was expecting that. I opened my mouth to say it again he just stopped me and left to his workshop. The one place I never intruded.

"Don't worry honey he's just upset. He was thinking you would stay with us longer. Though I understand that you have to do what you got to do." Ted said. He looked a little sad about me leaving but he didn't say anything about it.

I cleaned the table since everyone was pretty much done. I lost my appetite. I hated it when me and Shadow fought. This was something I promised myself. I promised to be come independent. I didn't want to depend on Shadow my entire life. I loved him. Yeah that was given but doesn't mean I have to depend on him for everything. If worse got to worse Spirit said I could move in with her. Although I would never tell Shadow that.

"Thank you sir, for everything. It means a lot to me. Thank you for taking me in when you didn't even know me." I said. I promised  I wouldn't cry no matter what. I didn't want to leave. I promised I wouldn't stay longer then I needed to.

"Essa, you are like a daughter to me. You'll be welcome here any time." He said. I thanked him again. I started dishes. Once I finished them I headed to my room to pack. I promised Spirit that she could spend the first night with me. I was moving in this weekend. I will Probably move in tonight. There is nothing to stop me.

'Spirit, I am moving in tonight. I'll pick you up in a few hours.' I texted Spirit. Don't cry Essa you will be okay. It's okay that you didn't get to talk to Shadow he would probably say no anyways. I'm such a Debbie downer. I will be okay. I promise. I promised myself I would be.

'Okay. Call me when you are out front. Should I bring anything?' Spirit texted me. Oh spirit I might regret doing this. Please understand Shadow. Please understand Stefan. Please don't hate me for leaving. I love you.

'Bring a sleeping bag. I don't have money for furniture.' I texted Spirit. I had enough money to pay for the apartment for three years but nothing more. It was a small one room apartment. It would be okay for me. It was barely bigger then the clubhouse that he built me was.


'Bring a sleeping bag. I don't have money for furniture.' Essa texted me. Poor Essa. I wonder why she was moving. She never told me why. It made me sad she looked so happy these last few months. I also didn't know the reason as to why. Why Essa why do you act like everything is okay. Why do you always try to be so strong.

I love you Essa. I wished you felt the same way. No you are straight. You promised me that. I love you more then a friend. Although I've never had the guts to tell you this. Why are you leaving? Why won't you tell me?

"I'm here. Hurry please it's cold out." She called me on the cell phone. I answered right away like always. I never ignored her. Not since that time I pushed everyone away.

"Okay I will be out right now." I said as I opened my door. I saw her right away. She looked as beautiful as always. Her once short hair was now past her ears. Her blue eyes sparkle like she's excited. Although there is a look of sadness and pain. One that she's never been able to get over. I haven't seen it in these last few months.

"Ready." She asked. The more I look her eyes look a little red like she's been crying or something.

"I am. Are you?" I asked. She looked shocked but I couldn't be sure she hid it right away.

"O-of course." She said confidently. Even with the stutter. Oh my poor Essa why won't you tell me what's wrong? You can trust me. I'm your best friend. I will always be there for you. Nothing will ever stop me again.

We rode in silence. It was in the same building as she previously lived in. I wasn't really surprised. We picked up pizza before we got there. We were lost in her thoughts. Every now in then she looked as if she was about to cry. Like she was leaving something behind. My poor Essa. Once we got there I helped her unpack. She had only a few bags of stuff. So there wasn't a lot to unpack.

I noticed she had some things made out of wood. They looked expensive. I wonder how she got them. Then it caught my eye the ring on her ring finger.

"What's that?" I tried to ask calmly. I am pretty sure I seceded. Inside I was a mess. Was she getting married without telling me she was dating someone? Was she engaged? Why were all these wood pieces? She gave them all a special spot. What was going on?

"Oh it's a ring." She lied. I knew she lied. Why was she lying to me? Whats wrong? Why did she sound like she was about to cry?

Author's note: I wanted to dedicate this to my step mom. I hope you all liked it. Please comment and vote. Let me know what you are thinking. I'd love it if you vote and or comment. Thank you all.

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