Chapter 7

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Author's note: I accidentally wrote Essa instead of Tress in the last two paragraphs of the last chapter. I did fix it.

I don't remember falling asleep or going to my room. Last I remember I was fighting with Stefan about something. I checked my phone. All the texts were gone. Maybe I dreamt about it.

'Good morning Stefan. I had a dream we were fighting or did that actually happen? I lost all of it on my phone. I'm sorry.' I texted him. I'm hoping he'll tell me what the fight was about.

'Good morning Essa. It must've been a dream because I don't remember us fighting. Have a great day.' He texted back right away. Something didn't see right.

I went through all my messages to see who I fought with. None of them showed I fought with anyone. I hurried and got ready. I eyed Shadow's jacket that was hanging in my closet. I decided to wear that over my shirt. I decided on a plain t-shirt and jeans.

I hurried to start breakfast. I felt like I was on auto pilot. I only made enough for Shadow because I wasn't hungry.

I felt strong arms wrapped around me. I knew it was Shadow by the smell of pine and mint.

"Good morning, Tress" he whispered into my ear. "Please go on a date with me today after school." He continued.

"Why wouldn't I?" I said. I'm trying to be unaffected by his arms around me. It didn't work. It felt so right. I felt protect and safe. I ended up leaning back into his arms.

"Because we fought. I wanted to make it up to you. I care about you." He said. He sounded so sad about it. Oh so that's who I fought with. Why do I feel like I'll forgive him easily.

"What did we fight about?" I'm trying to think what it was about.

"I'm sorry. We fought about how you wouldn't be my girlfriend. Then you passed out. I brought you to your room since you were already asleep. I'm sorry I shouldn't have pushed the topic. It's just that I really like you." He said. Now I feel bad and on top of it I don't remember a single thing. I remember having dinner that I made that was it.

"I'm sorry I can't remember anything past dinner. I just swore off boys. I'm not ready to date at this moment. Although I will go on a date with you to make it up to you." I told him. He hugged me tighter and kissed me on the cheek.

"I'm looking forward to it." He whispered. Then he let me go. I loved it when his arms are around me. I missed the feeling. Me too I thought. He left the room. I made him his plate and set it down on the table.

"Have a good day sir. If I don't leave now I'll be late. Talk to you later Shadow." I whispered in his ear as I left.


I watched her leave before I had the chance to thank her for breakfast. She looked beautiful. I couldn't keep my hands off her when I saw her wearing my jacket. She looked hot.

I wonder if Tress really forgot. I know she wouldn't lie about it but how do you forget most of the night? Maybe she was under a lot of stress and then she forgot it. Maybe she'll remember it by the time she gets home. It wasn't pretty. I apologized. I need to make it up to her though.

What am I going to do for this date? I want to make it up to her but I don't know how. I could take her to the movies. No, I don't think that would do it. I'm so frustrated. I entered my workshop and started working on her clubhouse. It made me feel a little better. I ended up skipping lunch

I hauled a lot of my material in my truck. So I could start building it. I got there and saw Tress there. No one was with her. Shouldn't she be in school? I heard her crying and my heart broke. I loved this girl and seeing her so sad it broke my heart every time.

"I don't know If you're around or not Shadow. I know you are always in your workshop after breakfast and your farm chores. I miss you. You somehow are always there for me when I need it. I wanted to say thank you for caring about a plain Jane and a hopelessly depressed girl like me." She said. She said my heart broke.

I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her. She kissed me back. I tried to pour all my feelings into it. I love you, it screamed. Don't leave me, it cried. She looked up with a shocked look on her face.

"What was that?" She asked confused. Dammit I hope I didn't push her again.

"I think I'm in love with you, Tress." I told her. She just stared crying more. I whispered into her ear. "Don't cry Tress a lot of people love you in this world. For I am one." She leaned into me and I let her cry. I comforted her the best I could.

"I'm sorry." She whispered. She feel asleep so I carried her back to the house and laid her into her bed. I went back and started building it. I was done with the frame a little before dinner.

"Dear, you don't need to cook me anything. Go get ready for your date." My father told Tress. I heard her door close.

"I'm going to go get ready." I told him.

"Son, here. It's your mother's wedding ring. Just keep it safe. I know one day you'll give it to the right person when the time comes." He gave me the chain with her ring on it. I put it on around my neck.

"Thank you dad." I said. It means a lot to me to have her ring. I hurried and got ready for my date.

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