Chapter 13

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I stayed in the clubhouse for a few day. Spirit stayed with me but she had to leave for school. I could care less about school. I cried the entire time.

I heard a knock on the door I expected to be Shadow. Also known as Stefan. It was his dad instead. I opened the door reluctantly. Not that I had anything against Shadow's dad it's just that I didn't want to see Shadow at all.

"Tress, I don't know what to do. Stefan hasn't woken up at all since the night you left. It's unlike him." His dad said worriedly. I couldn't help it. I didn't hate Shadow. I loved him with all my heart. I ran inside right to his room upstairs. I didn't stop until I saw him. I was so relived when I saw him breathing.

"He's been asleep since you were in the clubhouse." He said. It's only Monday so it's Halloween. My birthday is tomorrow. The only thing I wish for is to see Shadow smiling.

"He looks so pained." I stated. It was clear as day but someone needed to say it. Was it because of me he was like this.

"He hasn't eaten anything. I don't know what to do." His father said. I could tell he was lost. I would be to. I called 911. It was the only thing to do we couldn't carry him to the hospital he was too heavy. They would know what to do.

After what seemed like forever we arrived at the hospital. His dad in the ambulance with him and me in my car right behind them. The ambulance didn't race him to the hospital since he wasn't in need of immediate help. I was glad they brought him anyways.

The gave him a room anyways. His dad, Ted, and I had to wait in the waiting room.

"Ted?" The doctor spoke. Both me and Ted got up and walked towards the doctor. "Sorry family only." She said not really looking apologetic.

"Doctor she's family." He said. I was actually surprised to see him stick up for me. I looked at him. He just nodded knowingly.

We followed the doctor to his room. He was hooked up to a bunch of machines. He looked so helpless. He still had a pained look on his face. I wondered what he was dreaming about.

"Well, your son is in a coma. He will be okay. But we have no idea when he'll wake up." She didn't finish. I knew the end of it. If he woke up. Was the one thing none of us said.

"May I stay with him?" I asked both the doctor and Ted.

"I don't think this is the place. Aren't you suppose to be in school or something." I hated this doctor. She must be jealous of me or something.

"You know what I wish he got a doctor. Instead of some jealous girl." After awhile of them looking at me I realized I said that out loud. I just smirked and laid down next to Shadow. I needed his comfort. What if I never saw him again.

"Honey, I know she isn't the nicest but she's all we got to work with here. I'll leave you alone with him. I'll be out in the waiting room." He said as he laid his hand on my shoulder. He removed it when he left. He closed the door behind him. I pulled out my journal to write.

Dear diary,
Today seems to be the hardest day of my life. I had to deal with a crabby and jealous doctor. Shadow's dad has been worried about his son. He's getting what he needs now. I want him to be happy for my birthday. I'll be nineteen tomorrow. I know this is my fault. My fault for being mad at him. My fault for breaking his heart. I said two words I wish I could take back. 'Good bye' thats the final parting. I never say those two words. For the bad luck they bring. I look up. I'm now crying for a different reason. A really different reason. I'm crying because I might lose him. I might lose the love of my life. How can I go on. He's been the best thing in my life. He's been there knowingly.
Thanks for being there by my side Shadow

"Shadow. I know you probably can't hear me but I need to tell you something. I love you. I'm ready to be your girlfriend. Anything you want me to be. I'm sorry for not letting you explain. I'm sorry for being unreasonablely upset. I just couldn't believe the guy I was in love with was already my best friend. I was happy but angry at you for not telling me. I knew you didn't know right away.

"You've always been there for me. When my mom left me, when Spirit left me. When I was hurt or angry. When I was scared or upset. You've always been there for me so thank you. I love you Stefan, I love you Shadow." I cried and cried. I just hope my words got through to him. I poured my heart out hoping my words could somehow bring him back. My tears would wake me up and tell me this was just some dream. That none of this was real. But it was and I'm hurt that I couldn't be there for him when he needed me most.


I heard her entire confession. I wanted to see her beautiful face. I wanted to tell her thank you for not leaving me alone. I couldn't live without her. I wanted to comfort her like I did time and time before.

I could tell she poured her heart out. I loved her back. I was ready to ask her. I told her everything that always stopped me from asking her to be my girlfriend. It was that she wasn't ready and I didn't know what she was thinking. Slowly I finally opened my eyes to see her crying. Tears that were for me and it broke my heart more then anything.

Author's note: hope you enjoyed this chapter. It had me crying writing this. Please vote/comment and share. I really want to know what you guys are thinking.

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